Revit 2023: Revit Walls - An Alternative Approach to Design and Creation Series 1 of 6

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Method 1 – Standard Wall Command

  • Using the standard wall command (Architectural or Structural), you can create vertical walls of various types such as Basic Walls, Curtain Walls and Stacked Walls.  You can take an existing System Family and Duplicate it, change its properties and make a new type of default wall.  This method allows for walls that have various materials, profiles, sweeps, end conditions, standard and custom profiles for vertical and horizontal mullions as well as custom panels within mullions.  In addition, using the Stacked Wall allows for multiple walls to be stacked on top of each other (more than 2) to create intricate walls.  The key thing to remember in this method is that you are creating walls by drawing a path (linear or non-linear) and the layers of the walls are swept along that path.


Pro Tip:  Copy/Paste custom walls from one Revit Project into another one via Ctnl+C/V for easy “Transfer Project Standards.”