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Improve Survey in Civil 3D

Improve Survey in Civil 3D

Once I have my data processed in a survey database in Civil 3D, I would like to get generic objects to treat them in my next phase.


For example, in a Survey DataBase, there is the option "Points-->Unlock in drawing" which create new COGO points and remove Survey Points in the drawing. This is a great function.





I would like the same for Survey Figures:     "Figures---> Unlock in drawing"




This way, C3D automatically creates a FeatureLine object for each survey figure in the drawing and also, create a FL style from a Survey Figure Style.



In fact, due to FL and Survey Figure are roughly the same object, they should share the same style ( a parent style).


I don´t understand why Survey Figures and FeatureLines must have its own Styles... 



In my next phase I don´t want Survey Figures objects (which are dependent from a Survey DataBase), just FL objects.


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