I am re-visiting this post after putting this little task on the back burner, as I've not found a solution.
I've attempted to solve it using both gradings and a corridor, neither of which give satisfactory results.
My objective is to model a tiered wall with 5' maximum tier height, 10' separation between tiers and 2% bench slope. The teirs are to repeat until the depth from the base of wall to exsisting ground is less than the wall height (i.e. <5'). When that condition is met I want to slope to EG at 2:1. The wall is to be in cut only, Any portions that are in fill will daylight to EG at 2:1.
These are initial parameters based on a preliminary assesment of the site conditions by the architect (see attached sketch). Accordingly I want to be able to adjust all the parameters should the intitial parameters do not give a satisfactory solution. Also I will need to determine the square footage of the resulting face of the walls to provide a cost estimate to the client.
Here are the solutions I've tried along with the pros and cons
1. Corridor using a benched daylight subassembly
Pros: Assmblies can Intelligently determine whether to add a bench and tier based on depth of cut
Con's: Benches overlap at concave angle points along the wall (see screen capture). Adding fillets at the angle points is not an option.
2. Gradings
Pros: Benches automatically clean up where they over lap vs. corridor.
By using locked criteria I can chenge the entire wall by adjusting the locked grading criteria parameters
Cons: gradings lack intelligence to automate benching and daylighting. It becomes a manual process to adjustthe benching and daylighting when the critieria changes. Also gradings cannot miter corners of thebenches.
I've also considered creating offset alignments for each tier and applying the wall assembly to each bench independently but the downside is I would need to create a profile for each bench and I would have to manually adjust the regions for each bench on each tier.
So I'll throw this one out there for the gurus who like a challenge.
In the attached zipped file
EG.XML = existing terrain
Base C3D.dwg=Wall corridor (2012 format)
wall.jpg=Architects wall sketch
screenhunter=corridor bench overlap
Neil Wilson (a.k.a. neilw)
AEC Collection/C3D 2024, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1
WIN 10 64 PRO