I'm going to make some assumptions here. I going to assume the the 95-Dr. corner is you description. My next assumption is that the 95 represents a material (gravel, asphalt, concrete etc.....) and that the -Dr. corner is just more or less a not for the drafter regarding what is actually being shot.
So you have said you have linework coming in the survey database, and that is possible with that code since figure codes are prefixes.... So any time it sees the code 95 it will draw something based on that prefix, but if code 955 it will not.
Now the reason your code is not getting the particular maker could be based on you description key (assumption) if that your key is just 95 and it should be 95* (my school of thought is the only thing that goes in the description key list are points that are to be a symbol in a legend, so you must also be creating a massive about of layers to layer your points in the drawing - this is totally needless and not very productive IMO).
You also have another option C3D doesn't want the code smashed together stop using dashes and start using spaces, the space it the delimeter want for multiple descriptions, by using a space you can code a single point with a symbop like EB (electric box) and then UGE (underground electric) were they description code would be EB UGE.
I'm also not a big fan of using numbers as descriptions - just seems like that would add to the items I would be bringing along in the field. But I'm sure there must be some unseen benifit that I have not found in my 20yrs.
Rick Jackson
Survey CAD Technician VI
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