Rotated views and messed up point labels


Rotated views and messed up point labels

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I realize this may have been covered but I don't have time to rummage through a million forum posts to find it.

I am a land surveyor and cad technician, in my drawing I have two point label styles, the parent style is for elevations to the hundredth of a foot, the child is for elevations to the tenth. In model space, I rotated and moved those elevation labels those labels for legibility, the default is zero degrees. I then started making sheet layouts, I got to a section of roadway where rotating my view, using DVIEW with a twist, saved space and allowed me to put more viewports per sheet. Almost all my point labels lost the rotation I had assigned to them with the exception of points that were not moved but only rotated. I have tried changing the label behavior using all three options to no avail.

I need a best practices methodology for rotated views in paper space with point style labels so I don't have to do drafting clean up twice. To be clear, I had made all point labels legible in model space and my my rotated view in paper space has ruined all my clean up.

5 Replies
Replies (5)

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With AEC object labels it's best to be looking into Model Space from the paper Space viewport when you move labels and such so you know what they will look like in the end.


Looks like in dragged state the labels orient to the viewport.


If you want the undragged label to orient to the viewport edit the label style and switch Orientation Reference in Behavior on the General tab to View.


I'd probably play with the label style to get the elevation exactly how you want it without having to drag or rotate anything, as much as possible.

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Thanks for replying, I forgot to check the dragged state setting for my point label style, I changed the dragged state to "as composed" with the leader visibility off and my problem was resolved.

Thanks again!


I tend to prefer setting the point label style, orientation reference, to "View" and then use UCS then PLAN->CURRENT in each viewport, then do manual label rotations only if absolutely necessary, (or build a separate style that has a 45 degree rotation built in). If you have lots of layouts in one dwg you can save the UCS for each different rotation with a different name and you can call it up quicker when you set subsequent viewports or if you're workng in MS. 




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One of the reasons for manual label rotations to say the edge of pavement is that the rotation parallel to the linework makes it clear, in a plot, to where and what the elevation  is describing, as opposed to all elevations the same rotation.

Thanks for your input!.


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I usually turn on a marker, like an X, then rotate the elevations 30%%d. It's fairly clear what are spot elevations when they are all rotated the same amount.