Problems with importing a ifc file into civil3D


Problems with importing a ifc file into civil3D


Hello, I tried to import a ifc file into revit and into civil3D but it does not work. In Revit the Software crashes every time (my file is not that big). In Civil3D it finishes the import and creates alot of files into my folder but when i open the dwg file it is empty or has something very weird in it. 


What am I doing wrong or what should i do?

3 Replies
Replies (3)

Community Legend
Community Legend

Share a link to your IFC file here for others to try please.


EDIT: what is the source program of your IFC file?



Hi, thanks for your quick response. I would like to do this because it would be very helpful. Unfortunately, I don't have the necessary rights to do so... However, I have added a picture from the Event Viewer showing the errors that occur when I try to import the file. Aside from that I don't know the source of the ifc files. My only task was to open these files in Civil 3D. I opened them in a ifc viewer named BIMvision to see if they are broken but there it showed the right content.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Dear Simon,


Good day to you. Welcome to the Civil 3D forum. Thank you for submitting your question in our discussion forums.

I wanted to provide you with a quick update regarding the issue you reported. I have escalated the issue to our support team as it appears to be related to IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) and requires further troubleshooting.


Rest assured that our support team is actively working on this issue and is dedicated to resolving it as quickly as possible. While we cannot share specific details about the resolution at this time, please know that your report has been taken seriously, and we appreciate your patience throughout this process.


We will continue to monitor progress and provide updates when there is significant news to share. In the meantime, if you have any additional information or questions related to this issue, please don't hesitate to reach out.


If the suggestions helped you, please hit the "Accept Solution" button, as it helps make the solution easier to find for others who might have the same issue. Knowing which topics are solved or not can also help our many users find the questions that still need to be answered. It’s also a great way to say thank you and give recognition to whoever helped you. 



Wendy Lim

Data Nerd | Community Advocate | AEC Industry

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