Pipe Network - with Open Drains targeting ground profile
I have a case where the majority of a drainage network is Open Drains. The drains vary in height along their length as they follow the ground profile. I would like the ability to model these drains as a Pipe Network which will include the Open Drains along with piped culvert sections in the same alignment: imagine an open drain section which transitions into a box culvert (for a vehicle crossing) then back to an open drain.
Currently I am having to model the open drains as 'corridors'. This does not provide the same type of speed and flexibility in design iteration that modelling them as a Pipe Network would provide (where the nodes and drain segments talk to each other and are easily moved around and shifted to resolve clashes etc and has a corresponding long section which simultaneously updates accordingly).
Additionally I would like to have the model be able to confirm the capacity of each open drain section as well as the piped culverts similar to what can be achieved for the pipe sections of a Pipe Network.
Anyone have experience with this?