Hi @j.aukema
The Civil3D drawing has coordinates tied into a Known coordinate system such UTM83-ZoneXX meters.
When evaluating the coordinates you've provided the Revit coordinates are 1000X greater than the Civil coordinates. The Civil3D drawing appears to be in METERS while the Revit drawing appears to be millimeters.
To test this out, select ALL objects in Revit and SCALE them using 0,0 as the base point and a scale factor of 1/1000. Next, COPY all the scaled objects to your clipboard then PASTE the clipboard contents into a brand new, clean Civil3D imperial template. After the paste, and still in Civil3D, turn on Bing Hybrid Map. This is assuming you've assigned the proper projection in the civil DWG. If you don't know which CS the original author used, you'll need to ask him then assign it.
<<Note: You must assign the proper coordinate system (the drawing's projection) BEFORE turning on Bing Map. You must also be certain which coordinate system the original author used--no guessing allowed. Bing Hybrid Map isn't available (and won't be accurate) if it doesn't have a properly assigned CS.>>