Fields Referencing Other Sheet Sets Default Back to Current


Fields Referencing Other Sheet Sets Default Back to Current


I am creating a couple of notes in “Project A”, that reference other sheet set project names AND descriptions, “Project B” & “Project C”. I can create the notes and it will visually look fine. I can regen and save and it still keeps the references. But if I close down AutoCAD and reopen the same file, the fields default to the current “Project A” information for both notes that were previously B & C, unless I have open all 3 sheet sets through SSM prior to opening the file with the notes.


The problem seems to be isolated to this project as I can create similar notes for other projects and maintain the results. I have tested it on 2016 and 2018 and on other users computers as well.


The only thing I can think of why it is happening maybe because this project was divided earlier this month. It was one DST file but we had to split out the sheets for separate submittals. I copied the dst file, renamed, then opened each up individually without any of the sheet files opened. I then removed the sheets from the DST file that it was no longer a part of. This allowed me to keep all sheet references later on that were already established in the plan set.


My first question, is there a fix or setting that keeps the references from defaulting back to the current sheet set?

Second, is there a better way to divide a sheet set/.dst file other than described above?

6 Replies
Replies (6)


Hi @kkohlhoff,


Quite honestly, I have never linked between sheet sets before.  Can you provide some sample data and possibly a screencast to show how you are doing all of this?



John Vellek

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Sorry for the delayed response. This is the first time I have done a screen cast and I needed to have IT install it.

 Attached is my attempt to answer your question. Sorry there is no audio.

Some things I forgot in the video but have tried: I have regen'd before and after saving and the properties hold. This also seems to work on other projects, just not this one. I think it may be to the reason stated above, where the dst file was divided due to the submittal being divided.




Hi @kkohlhoff


I have been trying this on my side with AutoCAD 2019.1.2 and so far I can not duplicate the behavior. I moved your thread to the Civil 3D board in case this is an issue specific to the application. Perhaps @copper.chadwick can see if this is a known issue with Civil 3D.



Please select the Accept as Solution button if my post solves your issue or answers your question.

John Vellek

Join the Autodesk Customer Council - Interact with developers, provide feedback on current and future software releases, and beta test the latest software!

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Not applicable

I have seen this and it has to do with using "Current Sheet Set" rather than browsing to the correct sheet set.  Whatever sheet set is current will control.  We always path to Sheet Set and browse to the sheet.


This doesn't matter for sheets as they are the object.  So our Sheet Numbers and titles never need to be changed, as they are sheet based rather than Sheet Set based.


When we set a field for a sheet in a set, we can not use Current Sheet Set, but have to force it to the correct Sheet Set.


Does that make sense?

Hope that helps,




Typically for us, we reference all sheets using Current Sheet Set for page numbers and titles in the title block of that sheet, everything else gets referenced to the Sheet specific to the note or matchline. But that wasn’t the issue here. I suspect we are thinking of 2 unrelated instances.


In my example, I was not using Current Sheet Set because I was trying to reference another 2 sheet sets, AutoCAD was defaulting it back to the Current Sheet Set after an save/close/reopen. In 99.99% of all of my other projects, this has worked fine with referencing to other Sheet Sets. Its this one isolated instance that just doesn’t want to work for the moment.


Thank you for the input!



When you set the field are you marching through the field dialog through SSM?

Joe Bouza
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