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FGDB export user defined property


FGDB export user defined property

Not applicable

Hi, we're working on an easy way for the surveyors to export their resolved boundaries and some survey points to an arcGIS Pro project to track all the projects survey has done over the years in one visual place.  For this to work though, it's gotta be easy for the surveyors or else they won't do it.  the FGDB export function is great, however it does seem to export the user defined properties defined for each parcel.  When I click "edit export settings", and click the drop down for "parcels", I only see the default options, not the multiple user defined properties which should be an option in "source attributes".  Is this a bug/missing feature or am I missing something?


missing feature.PNG


 The above picture should also have the properties associated with this field shown below, JOB_NUM, DESCRIPTION, DWG_PATJ, DATE, CLIENT.  But those are not an option for the download for some reason.

extra fields.PNG



3 Replies
Replies (3)


I believe all that fuctionality is for MAP3D which can export that information for consumption in ArcGIS, this does not work with Civil3D Parcels.

Rick Jackson
Survey CAD Technician VI

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HI @rl_jackson 

Just wanted to mention as an alternative to User Defined Properties; I know Property Set Data do get exported to ArcGIS online and fairly certain they get written out to FGDB as well. PSD won't show up in the dialog to pick and choose, but will get exported to the ArcGIS Feature Layer.

Samir Rezk
Technical Support Specialist



You're misunderstanding shapefile and geodatabase. The former is a single feature class while the latter is multi-class.


You cannot export to gdb from AutoCad but you can export to SDF, which is AutoCad's proprietary multiclass format. An SDF has limitations. It is not too friendly with other programs--SDFs are only understood by Autodesk's Civil3D, Map3D and Infraworks.) If you wish to create and export filesto multi-class and remain in the AutoDesk world, then you'll have to go with SDF and use Autodesk Civil or Map to open, read and edit the SDF. 


If you want to export AutoCad vectors to an ESRI product then you'll have to export to a feature class such as a shapefile. Then in ArcPro, take the feature class and add the feature class to the gdb. Exporting AutoCad to shapefile will look like this:

AutoCad parcels with OD (object data). The OD will carry over and populate the shapefile's dbf (database file).AutoCad parcels with OD (object data). The OD will carry over and populate the shapefile's dbf (database file).


Whether you use Civil3D or Map3D you can read the gdb but you cannot add to it. Same deal for QGIS, you can read a gdb but you cannot add to it. Surveyors don't typically work in GIS-esy programs like ArcPro. They like Civil3D, Microstation and maybe Carlson.



