Data on straight grades showing up in my Section Views even though Label Style is set to grade breaks on design surface

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Data on straight grades showing up in my Section Views even though Label Style is set to grade breaks on design surface

Community Visitor
Community Visitor

Hi there,


I am consistently having to manually delete unwanted band data on section views. This process obviously can take an immense amount of time when having large amounts of cross sections that need to be generated.


Is there any reason as to why band data in the centre of the section view is being created?



My band label styles are set to display band data at grade breaks for my Finished Surface however, many other points are displaying.


I appreciate any support provided.



Reply (1)


If you have check that all the other labels are turned off, then I suggest you look at the surface where your section sample line sits. If you have triangles that cross the sample line, even if there is no change in grade, you will get a grade break label.


If you want this to go away, you need to make sure that the sample line coincides with one of the corridor frequency locations.

If it does not, you can go into the corridor properties and add an additional frequency station.



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Andrew Puller
Maitland, NSW, Australia
Windows 11
Intel core i7 11800 @ 2.30 GHz with 32GB Ram
Civil 3d 2023