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Cross sections and Samples Questions


Cross sections and Samples Questions

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I have a 20 mile Project that i need to do cross sections and volumes on what would be the best way to get this to work? i have had issues with my Computer Crashing? Breaking it up in to Segments? Data Short Cuts?

4 Replies
Replies (4)


Both break it up into sections and use data shortcuts. Depending on the complexity I find 5 mile sections work decent, more complex it becomes smaller. 

Civil Reminders

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the section of road i am working on right now is 2 miles long and has 40
different surfaces(basins, median, pavement, ditch, etc) to reference into
a sample line/cross section volume cut/fill sheets, i could kill the
designer on this one. it has killed my drawing several ttimes. i am
assuming this a more complex one and i should cut my drawing down to size
even more? even at that when i am making my Material list, cut fill volumes
it boggs down. i was thinking about sending this back to the designer to
make it one overall surface?

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Get those surfaces into their own drawing.  Paste as many as you can together (original ground, etc).  Then data shortcut the new surface(s) into your section drawing.  Then you will (hopefully) have only a couple of surfaces to add into your sections.  


I really like splitting my drawings up as follows:

line base (just lines)

pipe base (just C3D pipes)

Civil base (alignmetns, profiles, assemblies, corridor)

Existing base (OG conditions and survey)

Grading base (sometimes, if there is detailed grading to be done)

Layout drawing (just for page setups)

Then everything gets data shortcutted/xrefed into eachother.


This should reduce your file size and help with the crashing.  It is worth it to take a day and split it all up than suffer through, trust me.  



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Thank you for the ideas, i guess, i am alittle mindfull of the surfaces that were provided cause of the issues (gaps and overlaps from teh client) which as of right now will create issues with the volume surface already. but i did not want to add to equation with more error by creating my own surface? but i cant get anywhere with 80 proposed surfaces covering my existing surface for volume calculations with my computer timing out and freezing and crashing. sounds likes i will have issues either way i go? bye the way i have data short cuts for all my alignments and surfaces this project is to large to not to do this data short cuts.


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