Civil 3D 2019 Slow response and cursor lag


Civil 3D 2019 Slow response and cursor lag


Civil 3D 2019 has slow command response and cursor lag.  I uninstalled/re-installed but still have the same issue.  Any ideas or suggestions?

4 Replies
Replies (4)

Not applicable

What hardware are you running?


There are various Windows and AutoCAD/C3D settings you can make to improve performance.

Try googling it, you'll find sites that address it. To get you going:


Read this thread:  Try all those settings. Toward the end someone posted a lisp routine. I don't run it, but it reveals a bunch of settings that may be useful.


The standard Autodesk fix for everything is to make sure your video card driver is up to date, so do that.


You might run msconfig (Windows) and prevent unnecessary processes from starting. Set Windows to run for performance over effect. Crank up virtual memory to something really high. Set WHIPTHREAD in C3D to 3 if you have a 32bit machine.


Turn hardware acceleration ON/OFF to see if it has an effect.


Is this every dwg or just one? True type fonts (TTF) will slow a dwg down if there are a lot of them in the dwg or an xref. Purge/audit/recover often.


There are also settings in C3D for tooltips, the info ballooons that give you station/offset when you hover, that autocomplete commands given the first few letters, etc. turn ALL this stuff off. that should help a lot. If you like some of it try turning it back on one by one, maybe your fave thing will be ok. Ditto on dynamic input (crosshair command line).


I'm afraid what it is is a bloated program to begin with forced to carry around a ton of data in the form of AECC objects. It is what it is. We just had training from these people who were very, very good and their machines crashed eight times before lunch one of the days. I think all you can hope for is to find that magic setup that works best for your machine and network environment. and update your video driver because according to adesk that fixes everything.






Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support


Welcome to the Civil 3D forums! Great post, it can be a frustrating thing to experience a slow-down from conventional performance. I am checking in to see if any suggestions from @Anonymous helped you increase the speed. Typically I see a degradation in performance due to a couple of reasons, yes, sometimes its updating relevant firmware such as a graphics card. Sometimes its based upon settings being migrated from an older version rather than non-customized settings.


I see the steps you had taken were to do a reinstall. Have you tried to do a clean uninstall/ reinstall? It's more work but really gets any old erroneous stuff out of the registry and cleans all the paths that could corruption.

2019: Resolving installation issues with a clean install of AutoCAD Civil 3D


Hardware can cause this, and does at times, and since there needs to be a translation layer between the hardware and Autodesk software (Drivers) in order for it to perform correctly sans-bugs /problems it is best to update that firmware and the drivers for the various devices. That aspect is something that is so wide ranging we will just leave it here, assuming you have updated the hardware and it meets the current AutoCAD / Civil 3D minimum requirements and is upon the Certified Hardware list.


I'll list some of the more common causes of a slow down that extends into the Autodesk software.

  • Customization/ corruption - AutoCAD profiles, CUI modifications, Templates - (typical to issues are that these have been migrated from an older version)
    • Remedy/ Isolate - Use freshly installed out of the box templates (current version acad.dwt etc.) does the behavior still occur?
    • Remedy/ Isolate - Use a clean 'out-of-the-box' profile to isolate that your own profile is not the issue. Try this article to isolate whether that is the issue. Resolving user specific issues by resetting AutoCAD Civil 3D 2019
  • Network Issues - Profiles stored/ served across a network, resources beyond file serving and plotting being leveraged on a network location.
    • Remedy/ Isolate - Login to a local admin account using no network resources whatsoever. Does the behavior still occur.
  • Drawing Corruption - Sometimes a drawing can become corrupt based upon AEC objects, migrated/ outdated template files, Version changes. Typically this behavior is file based, as in it will occur in one file and not in a factory file while launching an ACAD.DWT file etc. or inconsistent behavior.
    • Remedy/ Isolate - AUDIT/ RECOVER/ PURGE/ -PURGE ->REGAPPS all of these can remove someone out of a corruption state. Also using the QSELECT command once inside of the file to begin selecting things by their isotype and divide/ isolate the drawing objects to check and "drill-down" into which object is causing the slow-down.

It's not ideal to have to go through any of these steps to isolate the cause only to find out that something as simple as a migrated profile from another version, but it is probably the most common vector that solves inconsistent software behavior. Should you find yourself in that situation, recreate your profile in the new software after cleaning the profile, and begin anew, with a quickness. I hope this helps some. 


Please hit the Accept as Solution button if a post fully solves the issue or answers the question.​ Thank you for your participation, your accepting a solution adds value to the post for the community as a whole, and helps other members find answers to their issues.


Copper Chadwick
Designated Support Specialist

Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support


Were you able to make any progress of improvement in the behavior of your system based upon any post or suggestions? 

If so, please hit the Accept as Solution button if a post fully solves the issue or answers the question.​ Thank you for your participation, your accepting a solution adds value to the post for the community as a whole, and helps other members find answers to their issues.

Copper Chadwick
Designated Support Specialist


Hello everybody. I have the same lag issues. My configuration:

i7 6800K


NVidia GeForce GTX 1070
SSD Samsung
The installation is brand new, installed today. I'm going through the Civil 3D Essentialns 2019 video tutorial and the problems start with the first exercise file (01_01_C3DRelationships.dwg), it takes a ton of time to open and whenever I click on anything to try and do any modifications and follow along the tutorial it freezes and takes forever to unfreeze (20-30 seconds).
My configuration should be able to handle Civil 3D with no problems and I assume the problem is not in the practice files since it was made by professionals. Can you give me any solutions to try? 
Since I'm using practice the files I assume the problem isn't in the wrong unit or scale settings.