Hello. Here's a rooking LISP question.
I can access a COGO Point with Visual LISP. It shows the label style, but there doesn't appear to be a way to evaluate the label. If the label is in dragged state, I want to be able to record the label location, hoping that, once written out to csv, I can import to another drawing, with edits intact.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Solved by Jeff_M. Go to Solution.
Solved by Jeff_M. Go to Solution.
Solved by Jeff_M. Go to Solution.
Thanks, Jeff. I had a hunch this might be the case. Bummer.
@tcorey Tim, I've been messing around with this and have this working:
;;Select a Point
(setq pt (car (entsel "Select point:")))
;;Check if it is dragged
(setq test (islabeldragged pt))
;;get the label location
(setq loc (pointlabellocation pt))
;;set a new label location, returns T if successful
(setq moved (pointlabellocation pt '(4332.33 3941.84 648.374)))
The results running in the VLIDE:
_$ (setq pt (car (entsel "Select point:")))
<Entity name: 2e6775cf890>
_$ (setq test (islabeldragged pt))
_$ (setq loc (pointlabellocation pt))
(4288.39 3899.92 648.374)
_$ (setq moved (pointlabellocation pt '(4332.33 3941.84 648.374)))
I will be cleaning up the code and compiling it to post soon.
Attached is a ZIP with the compiled assembly. Be sure to Unblock the ZIP after downloading, extract the DLL file to a location you can later find it. Netload it into C3D, then the 2 lisp functions will be available.
(IsLabelDragged ent)
(PointLabelLocation ent)
(PointLabelLocation ent pt3d)
where ent must be the ENAME of a CogoPoint and pt3d must be a list of 3 doubles: (x y z)
Here's the code for anyone that would like to see it:
using System;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
using Autodesk.Civil.DatabaseServices;
namespace C3DLispTools
public class CogoPointFunctions
public object IsLabelDragged(ResultBuffer rbfArgs)
Database db = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
var arInputArgs = rbfArgs.AsArray();
TypedValue tv = (TypedValue)arInputArgs.GetValue(0);
ObjectId objId = (ObjectId)tv.Value;
CogoPoint pt = objId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as CogoPoint;
if (pt == null)
return "Error: Not a CogoPoint!";
return pt.IsLabelDragged;
return LispDataType.Nil;
public object PointLabelLocation(ResultBuffer rbfArgs)
object retval = null;
Database db = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
var arInputArgs = rbfArgs.AsArray();
TypedValue tv = (TypedValue)arInputArgs.GetValue(0);
ObjectId objId = (ObjectId)tv.Value;
CogoPoint pt = objId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as CogoPoint;
if (pt == null)
retval = "Error: Not a CogoPoint!";
else if (arInputArgs.Length == 1)
retval = pt.LabelLocation;
tv = (TypedValue)arInputArgs.GetValue(1);
var ptlocation = (Point3d)tv.Value;
pt.LabelLocation = ptlocation;
retval = true;
retval = false;
return retval;
Hi @Jeff_M Thanks to your dll, I was able to create a lisp that exports points to a text file. There is a column that tells if the point label has been dragged and, if it has, then columns for label location x, y, and z. Now I intend to write a lisp that imports the points and applies the dragged location. Fun stuff!
Here is the LISP:
(defun c:DES_PtExpWithdragLoc ( / )
(vl-cmdf "netload" "C:\\Data\\_Autodesk Custom\\C3DLispTools.dll");load the dll that Jeff Mishler wrote. Thanks, Jeff!
(setq fl (open (strcat (filenamegetter) "_withDragStateLocation.txt") "w"))
(write-line "PtNumber, Easting, Northing, Elevation, Raw Description, IsDragged, Dragx, Draxy, Dragz" fl)
(setq pts (vlax-get c3ddoc 'Points)
cnt (vlax-get pts 'Count)
ctr 0)
(while (< ctr cnt)
(setq pt (vlax-invoke pts 'Item ctr)
pte (vlax-vla-object->ename pt)
East (vlax-get pt 'Easting)
North (vlax-get pt 'Northing)
Elev (vlax-get pt 'Elevation)
RawDs (vlax-get pt 'RawDescription)
Num (vlax-get pt 'Number)
(if (islabeldragged pte)
(setq LblLoc (pointlabellocation pte)
lblX (car lblloc)
lblY (cadr lblloc)
lblZ (caddr lblloc)
(setq Dragged 1)
(setq Dragged 0)
(if (= dragged 1)
(write-line (strcat (rtos num 2 0) "," (rtos east 2 4) "," (rtos north 2 4) "," (rtos Elev 2 3) "," RawDs "," (itoa dragged) "," (rtos lblx 2 4) ","
(rtos lbly 2 4) "," (rtos lblz 2 4))
(write-line (strcat (rtos num 2 0) "," (rtos east 2 4) "," (rtos north 2 4) ","
(rtos Elev 2 3) "," RawDs "," (itoa dragged))
(setq ctr (1+ ctr))
(close fl)
(defun filenamegetter ( / pref)
(setq pref (getvar "DWGPREFIX")
dwgnm (substr (getvar "dwgname") 1 (- (strlen (getvar "dwgname")) 4))
(setq dwgnm (strcat pref dwgnm))
;thanks to Jeff Mishler for the following code.
(defun getAecAppNumber (/ );c3dnumber c3dproduct c3drelease)
(setq C3Dproduct (strcat "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\"
(if vlax-user-product-key
C3Drelease (vl-registry-read C3Dproduct "Release")
C3Dnumber (substr
(+ (vl-string-search "." C3Drelease) 1)
(defun getdoc ( / )
(setq appno (getaecappnumber))
(setq acadapp (vlax-get-acad-object)
c3dapp (vla-getinterfaceobject acadapp (strcat "AeccXUiLand.AeccApplication." appno))
C3Ddoc (vla-get-activedocument C3Dapp)
) ;end function
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