I see that you are on a student account.
Actually,"Solving on the cloud" option is only provided for customers with subscriptions.
Best regards,
Would you please check the following:
- The "Solver Computer" is set on "MyComputer"
- The box under "Include in Solution Set" is checked
I hope this will help resolve your issue
Please feel free to get back to me if you still have the same error message.
Best regards,
thanks for fast reply, but problem again, try u suggest me, what happen with my cfd 2017, format too my computer and nothing.
please help me again
Does this happen with every model?
Can you set the CFD installation folder to ensure that the 'user' account has full security rights?
Would you please check the following:
Go to CFD 2017: Start & Learn > Production Information > Click Licensing -> Should see Solver Motion.
Please let me know if you do not see it.
You clicked on the right tab "Start & Learn" otherwise you opened the window of "About" (The "i" icon)
Would you please click on the "key" icon under which it is written "Licensing"?
ok, am clicked on key, but appears it:
I can see that you do not have the "Autodesk CFD 2017 Motion" License.
You can download it from this link
Please let me know then if you were able to run your simulation.
Just to add - it appears that there is no solver licence of any type here.
You would need to re-create both sections of your licence (design study interface AND solver) within a small timeframe and paste them both into the same file. That ought to work 🙂
how do it? can send an explanation please
How to create a licence? How did you grab the licence you are running with at present, was it created manually?