i've been asked to download and create an offine back up of my companies data in buzzsaw. I'm backing it up fine, but i'm running into a few pops ups that give that error message.. (ive never used this software and first i'd heard of it was yesterday when i was asked to back the data up localy. lol)
'error - could not write to discussion viewer file' -
did some searching on the web and your support page, but found nothing on that message. It's not happening everytime, i'd say maybe 10-15 times so far..
so What is it? is this going to mess up the data i'm downloading for the back up? if this isn't a vital issue, anyway to set the system to auto ignore it, so i don't have to baby sit the system and hit eneter when it pops up. (it seems to freeze the downloading untill it's cleared. which keeps me tied to the system..
i'm guessing this is some issue with file comments, or such that folks may have added to the file while working on it or something?
any help or thoughts would be great.