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مين حابب يتعلم برنامج Autodesk Fusion 360 اونلاين مجانا؟ و هنتعلم البرنامج خطوه بخطوه http://aklam.io/qy4VEY مين يقدر ياخد الكورس ده؟؟ الكورس لمهندسيين العمارة – مهندسين التصميم الداخلي – مهندسيين الإنشاء - مصميين السيارات و الطائرات – مصممين جرافيك – مهندسيين إلكتروميكانيكال Who wants to learn Fusion 360 online course? (Totally free) - Let’s start, our course will start next Saturday 30 July, We will learn the program step by step together. - Course is for architects, Interiors, Civil & electro-mechanical, Industrial engineers, car & airplane designer, Graphic designers. - Student will take original software for free for 3 years and will save money. - Student will take online video. - Student will share his projects and vice-versa with all Autodesk users in the world. - Student will take a certificate of completion. Limited Sets. Hurry up! If you're interested please leave a comment below. For more information feel free to contact us. *
The Universitat de BarcelonaThe Universitat de Barcelona
Master in Global BIM Management for Infrastructure Projects
Research Assistant at Qatar University
being honoured at Autodesk Digital transformation summit for the Egyptian government, for spreading and supporting the BIM culture, and community development regarding the digital transformation of the construction sector
General manager of BIMarabia Research, BIM Dictionary's
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