First off the new Bifrost graph is really amazing. But im having trouble figure out how or if there is a way to convert the particles/ Volumes to a mesh, is it possible ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Solved by Aslan.Jafari. Go to Solution.
Solved by syracoj. Go to Solution.
Solved by syracoj. Go to Solution.
Could you show me a example graph of this in action. im getting a error cannot draw an object with no points. sorry im a bit new at this.
In addition to my last post with the example graph, one can also send Bifrost Object data out of the board and connect it to a Maya mesh in the DG world.
To do this one needs to create a bifrostGeoToMaya node as well as a Maya mesh (shape) node in the node editor.
From there we can connect the bifrostGraph1.output -> bifrostGeoToMaya.BifrostGeo -> polySurfaceShape.inMesh
we can see in the image above the mesh is green. This is because we would still need to apply a shader (aiStandardSurface for example) to the mesh (using your favourite method to do this).
This is great! Can you give an example of how to do it with a volume. like an aero simulation to mesh? There is a nice example in the promotional materials showing a flame and pink/purple mesh following the flame. Would love to know how to do that?
Option 1)
A) If you install the RPOA compounds package, there should be a node called "voxel_grid_to_points" that allows you to convert volumes to points and follow the points_to_levelset that @syracoj method to get the meshes
B) If you like to build the compound from scratch, you can follow the graph in "Voxel_Grid_to_Points.PNG"
The logic is to iterate through Voxel_fog_density array and if density is above zero, get the position from the volume (you need to create "update_voxel_position" node and update the volume with point positions first). Then construct points in the newly created array. from there you can follow the points_to_levelset method again
Option 2)
you can study the attached file for converting combustion volumes to mesh that can be manipulated in DG.
Thank you
Sorry if I missed something š, but where do I download the RPOA compounds package?
Hello Daniel,
You can download the RPOA compounds here: https://area.autodesk.com/downloads/all/compounds/
I'm still having trouble replicating these graphs to create any meshes from volumes. Even if I disconnect the input graph and connected right back to where it was, it stops working. Also there is no "voxel_grid_to_points" node in the Rebel Pack. Was it renamed? What gives!?!?
sorry about the confusion, voxel_grid_to_points is no longer part of RPOA.
you can use the images below to recreate your own graph or study the attached scene file.
Thank you so much! Really appreciate your help from this bifrost newbie.
hi I have the rebel pack but ether no voxel_grid_to_points. if RPOA. means rebel pack. as I can't find any ref anywhere to RPOA any suggestions anyone
Thank you for the scene and helpful screengrabs. I was wondering how I could turn this Bifrost mesh into a Maya Mesh so I can 3D print it? I tried to use volume_to_mesh in the Bifrost Graph Editor and bifrostGeotoMaya in the Node Editor but neither surfaces created was visible.
My 2 cents, some times exported STL file from Maya did not work. I imported the stl file to 3D Max and exported back again to OBJ and STL, the printer worked. Mesh clean up and triangulation tools of Maya does help.
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