We have encountered a bizarre problem during the creation of isometric.
In the isometric attached the vertical dimension is 909mm. But it is read as 606 at site and wrong spooling is performed in the workshop. The problem is solved with rework during the site erection. Client complained about the problem and asked for a solution for all isometrics.
Do we have a setup parameter to define all the vertical dimensioning to be shown from bottom to top.
The solution that comes to my mind would be to change the dimension style from iso style so that all linear dimensions are written horizontally.
This would avoid confusion of odds like 909 and 606.
See topic
== French ==
La solution qui me vient à l'esprit serait de modifier le style de cote du style iso afin de mettre toutes les cotes linéaires en écriture horizontale.
Cela éviterait des confusions de cotes comme 909 et 606.
Voir topic
Dominique VAQUAND
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