Isometric real coordinates problem


Isometric real coordinates problem


Good morning


I have a little problem with isometrics.

I´ve routed a pipe of almost 6km length, now i´m goin to create ISOs of one part of that.

The whole routed pipe is far away from 0.0.0 axys (X:4700 KM/ Y:500KM). This is a big distance that could cause problems, o a brought it back to the 0.0.0 point and rotated it trying to align it as similar to the axys of program as possible.

I routed all pipe and created ISOs correctly. Despite all the routed pipe are not straigth lines like in a process plant (example: a desalination plant) the ISOs look pretty well (all this has been near from 0.0.0 point).


Now i have to move all the pipes to the the real coordinates and rotate them to real angle. I did it and tried to create ISOs, but it didn´t work out well, program send error messages (It also have problem because of the angles and real orientation of pipes, programm can´t do a correct interpretation of drawings in really closed angles). So, for solving this problem i brought back to 0.0.0 point all routed pipe (but keeping the real angle rotation) and at the moment of generating ISOs, in Advanced Iso Creation Options, in Offset Location i wrote down the real coordinates, i clicked OK to create ISOs but failed, programm send error messages, so i had an idea, i kept routed pipe model in 0.0.0 coordinates and also copied the same pipe to the real coordinates, so the model is twice in th screen, in real coordinates and 0.0.0 coordinates, then i went to create ISOs, in advenced options wrote down the real coordinates and.... this time it worked, the programm created ISOs showing the real coordinates in every pipe connection.


Now my problem is, according to the real angle rotation of the model routed pipes (several weird angles), the ISO drawings look weird, not natural, forced angle, not like an average isometric with 45º angle orientation, so as the ISOs are generated according the real routed angle pipes, they are hard to see and read.

My question is, ¿Is there a way to keep my model in 0.0.0 coordinates with the angle rotation aligned to the XYZ axis, generate ISOs with the real coordinates and the real angle and make the ISOs look more normal and natural like an average isometric?, ¿Is there also a way to make appear the north arrow of drawings appear according to the north project and also make appear at the same time another north arrow oriented to the north project (My custom alignement and rotation to the XYZ axis) ?.



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返信 (4)


Can you please upload the IsoCreationLog.txt or look at it and tell us the error message(s)?

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I attach 3 files one is the images of the pipe what i´m triying to generate ISO writting down the real coordinates, the other 2 files are LOG and PCF.


In IsoCreationLog most of the time appear the same kind of error messages despite that those errors are generated for really different problems, so this document is not a good document to use for looking clues to solve problems

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Model it with normal coordinates and convert them into real world in the 'advanced iso creation options':




If my post offers a solution, please click "Accept as Solution"
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Good morning George.Endrulat,


Thanks for answering.


I have already drawn the model in normal coordinates, later at the moment of create ISOs writing in the ADVANCED OPTIONS the real coordinates programm failed, i had to make 2 copies inside of my DWG, one is the routed pipes in the normal coordinates (near 0.0.0), the another is in real project coordinates, so i have the same routed pipe in my model twice, this way at the moment of creating ISOs and writing the real coordinates in ADVANCED OPTIONS, Plant 3D allows me to generate ISOs with the real coordinates but being near from 0.0.0.

My main issue is creating ISOs with the pipes aligned as close as posible to the XYZ axis, and at the moment of ISOs generated i want in the sheet appear 2 north arrows, one indicationg the real north project and the another indicating the degrees that i have rotated the pipes to align the to XYZ axis


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