Hi everyone,
I'm having trouble editing the default units in this new drawing I'm willing to work on.
I just created a new project in the navigator and added a new construct for the architectural part of my plant.
Then I'm trying to edit the default units in my drawing using "units". Once I do so, I can't acces to the german pipes catalog. What I would normally get would be a catalog of many types of pipes. But once I change the unit from Meter to Millimeter, I get the following error message:
"The current catalog contains parts, that can't automatically be added in this situation"
Allowing AutoCAD MEP to rescale the objects or not doesn't change anything.
The error keeps popping up. I can only have access to the catalog if the default unit is Meter.
Any idea what could be the cause of this and how I can solve it? Or some workaround maybe?
Thank you very much.