This reminds of some gentlemen in front of the commuter train station. At the stationfo , there's always has at least one person asking for loose change--it appears that's their job, amassing enough coins to get through the day. They're not choosey. They don't have a minimum. They take whatever they can get.
If you want to learn the program without purchasing it then you have limitations. Sorry, but you can't be choosey and you need to take whatever you can get. Going to a community college is an excellent choice and will definitely get you a free program for a year or as long as you are an 'officially enrolled student' because AutoCAD offers a free downloadable student version for students. After a year, you may want to re-download the new and most current version. If you're still a student, provide documentation to prove you're still enrolled and continuing with your program of study. If, for whatever reason, you're no longer enrolled, then no-go, no more free student version for you.
To check out whether you qualify for educational access to Autodesk products you can click >>HERE.<<

Your program of study must be from an accredited school offering AutoCAD-ish type of courses.Sorry but the school of pantomime that meets every Sunday at the local neighborhood park doesn't count as an accredited school. Be on the up-and-up. Don't do anything sneaky and try to get a student version when you don't actually qualify for one. It's not fair to those who are genuinely enrolled as students.
Back in the day, Autodesk didn't offer a student version, so users like me had to physically go in early or stay late to 'use' the program. On weekends, the one-way drive was 30 minutes away, sometimes 50, upper Midwest snow, y'know. I'm sure there are many forum users who can offer their own pre-student version experience.