Hi 😞
1. You don't understand
2. and i never said you should open each block.
3. you don't answer my questions and follows my workflow
Please stop your own thinking(you are not able to solve the problem, so listen to others like me),
just do what i say - if you like help.
You say: Hatchs ans Polylines explodes if you explode a Block reference
I say: It's wrong if your blockreference XYZ-Scale have the same value.
Please follow my hints to check whats going wrong on your side!
1. Make sure there are really Hatches and Polylines inside your Block:
Select your Block with "Polylines&Hatches" inside- only ONE Block Reference!
Start BEDIT Command
and check that you really talk about a Polyline and really about a Hatch. Select the object, check the Object type in your properties palette or by command LIST
Really Polyline and Hatch objects? Ok ->
2. Check your Block Reference properties
Select again this only ONE BlockReference,
Check Block Reference property values
X Scale
Y Scale
Z Scale
The value of X,Y + Z Scale must be the same value!
Is it? To be sure: Override all thee with the same Value again
Then use command: EXPLODE
Hatches and Polylines from inside the Block are still Hatch an Polylines.
If not - Upload a DWG with ONLY ONE Blockreference.