What's the reason behind not harmonising different text/label/dimension-properties?


What's the reason behind not harmonising different text/label/dimension-properties?




it might be only mildly interesting but I'm always wondering why, after legions of AutoCAD-versions, text, mtext, dimensions and multileaders are so different in their properties.


Look at background masks for example:

Mtext has its own dialog for background masking and while mleaders share the same property name, they only give you a yes/no-choice.

For dimensions, background masks are called completely different (at least in the german version) while doing the exact same thing and it's yet another form of dialog (no pop-up).


All of this does not only apply for background masks but for a lot of properties. It's quiet hard (if you really take an in-depth look I'd argue impossible) to get the exact same look for different labeling components.


It's like different teams had to come up with one component each without talking to one another.

Is there a (maybe historic?) reason behind this or can it be attributed to random inaccuracy/laziness?

8 Replies
Replies (8)


>>background - mleader vs mtext
is the same incl. the same dialog.

I compare mtext and mleader with mleader text style MText.
So I guess, you are talking about the Properties Palette?.. okay, Now we can follow you.


>>vs dimension
you are right, also in english

Q: "What's the reason"
A: No reason just because the programmer built it that way.
You could also say: unnecessary bad vote,
the problem
is found more and more frequently. The implementation
does not stick to usual things and deviates.

(explainable in some cases, but this is a good example of how <Adesk> screwed it up)
Just poor design, that's it for me, nothing else.


>>"It's like different teams had to come up with one component each without talking to one another."
Sure, that is the case! Or do you think there is just one man (or one team) who's programming all the tools since the 80's ?


>>"Is there a (maybe historic?) reason behind this"
For your background sample: From my point of view: No!
Mext background came with 2005 (worked also in 2004, but there wasn't an gui way to use it)
Dimension got the background option later, so it was possible to design properties palette item the same way.
MLeader started in 2008, so it was possible to design properties palette item the same way.

>>"or can it be attributed to random inaccuracy/laziness?"
For me it is the case for 100%, nothing else.




Are you just talking about the interface or are you having trouble with output?



It's a general thought, not a concrete problem. But I think it's utterly stupid that each label-component is in some way its own entity.

If you select a multileader and an mtext-object, although they share a lot of properties, you can't, for example, set a textborder for both at once - you have to select them one after the other.

Dimensions don't even give you "textborder" in the properties but it still can be set hidden away in the text-style-editor.


All those objects display text in some form and I think that those properties should be carried across all label-components. As CADffm mentioned, they've been around for years (decades!) and while AutoCAD seems to struggle to find useful features in their yearly updates, the core is quiet flawed in this respect (imho).

(Look at dynamo: all properties have to be defined as nodes for each component separately.)


For trouble with the output, just an example (might be a bit "academic", I admit):

For multileaders, if you switch on the textborder, you can set the landing distance of your text, which basically gives you the possibilty to control the padding between border and text. You can't recreate this with any other label-component (at least I can't. :-))



@cwr001 wrote:

I think it's utterly stupid that each label-component is in some way its own entity.

Your thoughts/complaints belong elsewhere. We lowly users cannot help you other than say that you may be expecting too much and Autodesk won't comment because they barely monitor these forums.


>>"For multileaders, if you switch on the textborder, you can set the landing distance of your text, which basically gives you the possibilty to control the padding between border and text. You can't recreate this with any other label-component (at least I can't. :-))"


I don't know what you mean with "other label-component ",

but you can controle the distance between Text and frame for all "MText" Objects,

Dimension, MLeader(MText), and MTEXT (and multiline Attributes)





Community Legend
Community Legend
New to AutoCAD if I may ask? Or do you just need help creating output that all looks the same? If the latter, post a sample DWG file for others to dig into for you and provide pointers.

The tools you mentioned do have a learning curve, as does the program: it is what it is, if you want to suggest changes to Autodesk you can do it here and they might get implemented in the next 2-5-10-20years https://www.autodesk.com/company/contact-us/product-feedback



Yeah, this might not be the place for general questions and rants but then again, there's no "Ideas"-forum for Autocad anymore, right? (Not the firmest believer in ideas anyway because your 5-10-20-year timeline strikes me as accurate... :-))

I just found it weird that different labels that behave so close to each other are coded in such different ways.


I'm not totally new but yeah, a lot to be learned - so, if anyone can show me how I can recreate an oddly styled mtext using mleaders and dimensions  (see attached *.dwg), I'd be thankful!


Community Legend
Community Legend
@cwr001 Correct, there is no "IDEAS" forum for plain AutoCAD because 90% of the posts would be from folks that just don't know how to use the program to find what they seek is already in it. So you have to really want to do it, then do it the hard long detailed way at the link I provided in my last reply.

I will review your file when I get a chance, others will likely jump in as well, everyone's feedback is welcome and good.