Which Cad software are you referring to when you say "other CAD software"
If the other CAD software is an AutoCAD on a different computer then you would need to install object enablers for Vehicle tracking. You can find Vehicle tracking object installers for 2018 and 2019 on the respective hyperlinks.
I do not believe that these object enablers would be worth for a product outside of the Autodesk scope.
If the other CAD software that you are referring to falls outside of the Autodesk scope then you might need to explode the vehicle tracking object in order to have the objects display as lines and polylines.
As mentioned by @imadHabash your forum post for vehicle tracking would be received better on the Vehicle tracking forum.
Kind Regards
Marnus van Staden
N.DIP Civil Engineering | Senior Technical Specialist
Autodesk Trainer | Draughting Consultant

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