TrueType fonts display as rough or jaggy after changes made in settings


TrueType fonts display as rough or jaggy after changes made in settings

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In acad MEP, text written in Stylus BT and other TrueType fonts no longer displays as smooth, but instead is rough and jaggy. I had downloaded acad MEP for a trial and opened a drawing I had made with another acad version. The text problem seemed to have started after I'd experimented with some of acad's settings (Visual Style, and changing the 3D orientation on the Model Space). But in each case I'd reverted to the original settings afterward; and yet the text problem remains. (a graphic attached shows some offending text)


I've seen earlier posts on this problem, from 2008 and 2015, and worked through all their solutions:


- Set Visual Style to 2D Wireframe (but toggling betw. 2D Wireframe and Wireframe appears to make no difference to the quality of text anyway)


- Ensured that when the problem text was selected (text editor), Oblique angle = 0, Tracking = 1.000, and Width factor = 1.000 (they all had these values and had not changed)


- Clicked on the “Top” button of the Viewcube icon to ensure that the view was completely planar.


But nothing has helped, and the only type face that is still smooth is romans, which I'm now using. Is there any way to fix this?






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the screenshot is too small to see the text in detail (see anything jagged).

But in case you upload the drawing we can try to reproduce that on our systems.


Always worth to try when there are issues with display: turn off hardware acceleration (command _GRAPHICSCONFIG) and see if it gets better.

One situation I know that can create troubles with a clean text representation of true-type font: select the text, change the "Postion Z" (in the property window) to 1 and then modify it again and set it to 0 ... better?


- alfred -

ISH-Solutions GmbH / Ingenieur Studio HOLLAUS ... ... LinkedIn ... CDay 2025

(not an Autodesk consultant)

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Another thing that can make TrueType fonts appear rougher and/or bolder than expected, is having a width factor other than 1, even if only slightly different.  It doesn't seem to affect the way it plots, but does affect the look on-screen.

Kent Cooper, AIA

Not applicable

Thank you, Alfred for your suggestions. I tried them, but without apparent effect:


I select the text, menu-click on it > properties > change position z => 1.000, tab out, close properties window;

Then, menu-click again on the selected text > properties > change position z => 0.000, tab out, close properties window, unselect text. No change.


Then, I toggled hardware acceleration on and off, but still without any change in the text.


Thank you again for your help. If you have any further thoughts about it, please let me know!


Not applicable

Thank you, Kent. I did check to ensure that the Oblique, Tracking, and Width factors were 0, 1, and 1 earlier in this process, but they hadn't changed from their original settings (Oblique = 0.000, Tracking = 1.000, Width = 1.000). And double-clicking the text to get the text editor, and changing the Width factor for the selected text to some higher number, and then changing it back again to 1.000 had no effect on the problem. 


Not applicable

Many thanks, Dean. A question regarding the operation of DVIEW: At first I couldn't exit the command, and it kept cycling asking for points after I set the target and camera, and before that, when asking to select objects; I eventually had to enter Ctrl-Enter (twice) to resolve the command and get it to "Regenerate the model" (see below). Is there a better, or more concise, way to use this command to accomplish the refreshment of the text? Thank you again for your suggestion.


I do the following:


Command DVIEW > [select objects:] all (press Enter twice) > Dview: [camera, target, distance, points, … off] points > specify target point: 0,0,0 (Enter); specify camera point: 0,0,1; (press Ctrl-Enter twice to exit commmand)


Command line says:


*** Returning to the UCS ***

Regenerating model.


This seems to solve the problem.



@Anonymous wrote:

.... A question regarding the operation of DVIEW: .... Is there a better, or more concise, way to use this command to accomplish the refreshment of the text? .... I do the following:


Command DVIEW > [select objects:] all (press Enter twice) > Dview: [camera, target, distance, points, … off] points > specify target point: 0,0,0 (Enter); specify camera point: 0,0,1; (press Ctrl-Enter twice to exit commmand)


Doesn't that yield the same result as the PLAN command?  If  the issue is the viewing direction, and if the Text was drawn in whatever coordinate system you choose in the PLAN command, that should fix the display problem.

Kent Cooper, AIA