Open Drawing - Errors Found 2016 AutoCAd


Open Drawing - Errors Found 2016 AutoCAd

Not applicable

When opening drawings that i have saved i get this warning 95% of the time. It is not an issue if someone else has saved the drawings... i don't get the warning. It is only on drawings that i have saved. The only difference is I'm running AutoCAD mechanical 2016 and they are running AutoCAD 2016LT. We all save back to 2010.


We also have another user that is running 2012 Mechanical and see sometimes has version errors when opening my drawings. These saying that this drawing was created in a newer version and she cannot open my drawing. However when i open it and check my options are set to 2010 and i just save again and there is no issue.



3 Replies
Replies (3)

Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support



We have a known issue in Mechanical 2016 and 2015, if you add a title block using AMTITLE  command and save the file to 2010 or 2012 file format, when you reopen the file it will say the drawing has errors and will ask you to recover.


If the above is same as yours, we are at the moment working on a fix for this issue. The workaround would be to save the drawing first to 2010 file format before editing the file and adding changes to it. I will add your concern as well to our known issue.



Vinod Balasubramanian
AutoCAD Industry Support & Escalation Lead


Not applicable

Thank you for the reply, but no i am not using AMTITLE. I can open a drawing that someone else has created without an issue. However if I make no changes to that drawing (with my options set to save to 2010) and save it, it will give me that error when i reopen that file at a later date. Is it just something in Mech 2015 and 2016? I was using 15 but just recently had 16 installed and having the same issues.


Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Thanks Doug. Are you having the following workflow.


1.Open new drawing (Drawing A) in 2015 and create a new dimension.

2.Save the drawing.

3.Create a new dimension.

4.Open a new drawing. (Drawing B).

5.AutoCAD Mechanical will ask you to save drawing A.

6.Save & Open Drawing A.


If the above is not the workflow, can you try login as a different windows user and see whether you can reproduce the same. Issue looks a bit strange to me.

Vinod Balasubramanian
AutoCAD Industry Support & Escalation Lead