Hi John,
My apologies for taking so long to come back to the forum to follow-up on your last post. Basically, I have been so busy with other parts of one project that I haven't been able to spend much time trying to figure out plotting.
Working with the basic AutoCAD drawing, I am having success turning layers off in individual viewports. I think the key is changing the layer settings while in model space while in an individual viewport.
Maybe I should start a new thread about plotting. I'll make a couple statements in this thread, and you can let me know if it would be better to start a new thread.
I am having a tough time plotting with transparencies. The time it takes to plot with transparencies versus the time it takes to not plot with transparencies is significant. For the 100 MB drawing I mentioned, it will plot to .pdf in a couple of minutes. If I attempt to plot to .pdf with plot transparencies checked, it takes so long that after 10 or 15 minutes I just terminate the plot.
I know the drawing size is unusually large. It also has hundreds of layers. The problem is that I receive drawings like this from my customer to use as base drawings. I would like to plot most of the layers as transparencies. If I try to do that and then plot the drawings, the time is too great.
My customer has asked me to replot a large number of drawings because the detail that I add gets lost in the original drawing detail. I'm thinking that there must be an easier way to do this.
I think I will try screening/dithering; but, I will need to go back and change the colors for most of the work I have done, just so it's different from all the other colors in the drawing.
I would really like to use the plot transparency. I just don't think it will work properly given the size of the drawings.
Any thoughts?
(Sorry again that it too me so long to get back to you.)
Take Care,