This is how it's supposed to be :
Select objects: 1 found
Select objects:
---------------- REGIONS ----------------
Area: 6.5175
Perimeter: 10.2782
Bounding box: X: -7.5295 -- -5.2518
Y: 6.3845 -- 9.2460
Centroid: X: -6.3907
Y: 7.8153
Moments of inertia: X: 402.5218
Y: 268.9957
Product of inertia: XY: 325.5131
Radii of gyration: X: 7.8588
Y: 6.4244
Principal moments and X-Y directions about centroid:
I: 4.4470 along [1.0000 0.0000]
J: 2.8176 along [0.0000 1.0000]
Write analysis to a file? [Yes/No] <N>: n
Would you please try the follow :
- Ensure that you have the latest CAD update.
- Open a new & empty CAD drawing file and try again.
- Make sure that you're near 0,0,0 .
- Make sure also that you really select a region shape when you asked to select object while Massprop command is active.
Imad Habash