issues with saving cad files as a pdf and placing on photoshop


issues with saving cad files as a pdf and placing on photoshop

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Hi so i have two issues..

1. When I save my auto cad drawing as a pdf and 'place embedded' on photoshop the image comes up way lighter than it should be. I've gone back so many times to check line weights and colours and they are all okay. but still come up so washed out on photoshop. Would it be my colour settings on photoshop? any suggestions?


2. When I put the same image onto photoshop there are dots along some of the lines. Ive checked on auto cad and there are no overlapping lines or doubles. any suggestions for this too? Ill put some pics below so you can see the difference between the cad file i save and how it looks on photoshop.


photoshopphotoshopauto cadauto cad

3 Replies
Replies (3)


I've not seen the dot issue, but to get the highest quality import into Photoshop, I always create PDFs using AutoCAD's built-in PDF driver set to the highest quality setting.

You also mention the drawing being too light in Photoshop (even though your screen shot looks darker).  Having it be too light is common for me when I import it, but I increase the darkness of it by right-clicking on the layer in Photoshop and selecting the "Duplicate" option, sometimes multiple times.  Each duplicate darkens it a bit more.

AutoCAD PDF Driver.PNG

Work:  AutoCAD 2022.1.3, Windows 10 Pro v22H2 64-bit, Intel Core i7-8700K, 32GB RAM, Samsung 960 Pro SSD, AMD Radeon Pro WX 5100, 3 Dell Monitors (3840x2160)
Home: AutoCAD 2022.1.3, Windows 10 Pro v22H2 64-bit, Intel Core i7-11700, 64GB RAM, Samsung 980 Pro SSD, NVIDIA Quadro P2200, Dell Monitor (3840x2160)

Not applicable

Screen Shot 2018-04-11 at 09.49.39.png

this is a screenshot of the whole page and shows how light it is (i've filled in the walls so they are darker). All of the colours are either black or the shade lighter on auto cad so you can see how faded it is.


I have been exporting the dwg to pdf rather than plotting the way you have shown so maybe that is the issue..



You'll still have that issue with the method I described above, but you'll have a higher quality drawing (and maybe fix the dot issue) using the AutoCAD PDF printer/driver.

However, duplicating the layer over itself in Photoshop and/or adding a background (if you don't need to keep transparency) should help with your lightness issue.

Work:  AutoCAD 2022.1.3, Windows 10 Pro v22H2 64-bit, Intel Core i7-8700K, 32GB RAM, Samsung 960 Pro SSD, AMD Radeon Pro WX 5100, 3 Dell Monitors (3840x2160)
Home: AutoCAD 2022.1.3, Windows 10 Pro v22H2 64-bit, Intel Core i7-11700, 64GB RAM, Samsung 980 Pro SSD, NVIDIA Quadro P2200, Dell Monitor (3840x2160)

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