I'm having a persistent issue when trying to use Snaps. AutoCAD is consistently snapping near, but not exactly on, the points I specify. This is causing me to spend a lot of time fixing inaccuracies in my drawings.
I have checked and double checked my settings (screenshots attached). Just to clarify, it is not snapping to a grid. It is snapping to an arbitrary point very close to where I intended.
I admit that some of these inaccuracies are a result of my speed (quickly executing multiple keystrokes and mouse clicks) but there seems to be something else going on. When trying to move lines or objects in my drawings, something is causing the cursor to snap a little bit off the point or line I specify. I'm really having to zoom in and slow down in order to get it to snap where it should.
I am using AutoCAD 2019.1.2
Windows 10 v.1903
Nvidia Quadro P2000 w/ Max-Q
>> AutoCAD is consistently snapping near, but not exactly on,
>> the points I specify
You should not have object snap "Nearest" on by default, otherwise it could always snap "close to an endpoint", but not really there.
When you say it does not snap to the exact point you wanted to have it ... please start command _DIST and measure the distance between the point you have got as result and the point you wanted to have it.
Also please let us know at which coordinates your drawing items are (e.g. identifying and endpoint of a line inside your project area) while UCS is set to world. If you can upload a dwg-file and describe where you have issues it would be great.
- alfred -
I have NEVER and EVER turned all the osnaps on.
I only EVER use 1 object snap at a time.
And if I am just doing 2d drawings, i certainly do not turn ANY 3d object snaps on.
But hey, that's just silly me......
I have seen soooo many drawings where people have turned all the snaps on and are full of inaccuracies as a result.
If you just want to snap to a grid, you should turn ALL the other object snaps off.
If there are any other objects to snap to that are close to a grid intersection, Autocad does
not know that you only want the grid intersection and will snap to where your cursor is closest.
Especially if you're zoomed out a bit ............
When it snaps near to..
Is it snaping on the object(but wrong point), or away from the object?
Please disable the NEAREST running osnap (picture ..325).
Running osnap nearest together with other - i am not sure if you really want this setting.
Or away from the object? Then try it again near to wcs 0,0,0
Command: UCS world
Line 0,0 20,10
Zoom object last
Try it on this line again.
Thanks, Alfred. I'll disable snapping to Nearest and let you know if the situation improves.
Thanks CADffm. In answer to your question, it is snapping away from the object.
I have disabled all but the most necessary snaps and will let you know how the situation improves.
Then it isn't the problem, except you uses snaps like PER and you are really far away from wcs 0,0,0
Some rare commands and objects can force problems, thats why i say: Test as first with simple LINE
and snap to simple lines. END or MID should ever working wenn.
For bulges (arc,circle) use command REGEN to make sure it displays well on your monitor.
UPDATE: I'm continuing to have this problem despite turning off nonessential Snap options.
In the most recent case, I was using MOVE to grab a line and move it. When prompted to "specify base point" I hover the cursor over the endpoint of the line... but instead of showing a green square, it shows the symbol for a perpendicular snap floating in space to the right. The DIST command shows that point being about 4 inches away. I don't understand what it is trying to snap to. There is no linework nearby that it would be perpendicular to. I use perpendicular snaps a lot, so I'm resistant to turn it off.
Make a screenshot of your whole ACAD windows, where we can see all these things.
Screenshot: Usually impossible for an Screenshot tool in this second, but you Keyboard Print Screen Key can do that.
Key [Print] or [Prt] [PrtSc] [Prt Scr] [Print Screen] .. and paste it into Paint or some
And also your current setting for Osnaps (your updated *325.jpg picture or just the value of OSMODE)
Ascreencast would be much better!:
Is it like this?
>> but instead of showing a green square, it shows the symbol
>> for a perpendicular snap floating in space to the right
Some questions:
- alfred -
>> I’m disabling snap tracking now, but I don’t think
>> I want to turn hardware acceleration off
If you want to find the source of the issue I'm sure you want to turn the hardware acceleration off just to make sure it's not a graphic card issue. That does not mean you need to have it disabled forever, just for now to see if the issue appears again or not.
- alfred -
>> The cursor lags and flickers so much
The cursor should not be effected except you have turned on some options like ROLLOVERTIPS or SELECTIONCYCLING or SELECTIONPREVIEW (or some similar to them).
Anyway, turn on hardware acceleration again, close and reopen the dialog and then create a screenshot from that dialog and show us that image.
- alfred -
Do you mean the graphics performance dialog? See attached.
ok, run your test with activated hw-acceleration, if you have again issues then you might look into the system variables I mentioned to get your AutoCAD (for a test period) working with disabled hw-acceleration.
But maybe it does not happen any more with the settings you have changed already.
- alfred -
Not sure, but i think i have had same problem. As seen in Your first screenshot "snap and grid" settings try turning on "Allow subdivision below grid spacing".
That seemed to work for me. Feels odd because I dont have "grid" on, but somehow it still affected to this snap problem.
Have the same issue. Not only is snapping is woefully inaccurate but there are so many other things its just bad at. Truly amazing how dated this relic of a program is. I'm sure this will upset some ppl but if you have used better software in the past you know...ACAD is just iterations of add ons. It really feels like old world thinking relative to modern software. My advise would be to simply get used to it lol.
@mattdVF27J wrote:Have the same issue. Not only is snapping is woefully inaccurate....
Explain more please, provide examples with your own DWG file if you want to try and solve the issue, folks around here will gladly help you out if you wish to do so.
As stated about have the same issue. Constantly appearing to snap to nothing more than a pt and often when zooming in its not on target. Ive tried playing with all the snapping options on or off. Another thing CAD does horribly at is drawing any type of civil plan where things are naturally on a variety of angles or a skew. ACAD always seems to think its smarter than the user by snapping just off where I dictate. Also, things like nudging callouts just a little. You move the tag, it moves back, u move it a little farther to get the software to "listen" and it shoots dramatically off target to the other side. You can defend it all you want their are simply better options out there with more consistent feedback. Autodesk has been resting on the laurels of refreshing this program for like 30 years and it shows. Its ok to admit its not very good at certain things and could use a total overhaul. Speed it up make it more accurate and precise. Not saying you cant do precision drawings but it sure requires alot of time wrestling things that are otherwise less clicks and hassle in better up to date drafting software's.
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