@lkontopodisERZ4H wrote:
thousand of pieces
That I didn't know at the beginning.
Perhaps you can get what you want this way:
- First you must avoid (delete) overlapping path segments. You can do this with the overkill command.
- After overkill you will get a bunch of separate path's.
- Now you can run a small lisp to sweep the circle (or what you want to sweep) along each of the path's.
(defun c:test ()
(setq obj (entsel "\nobject to sweep: ")) ; Object to sweep
(setq ss (ssget)) ; path objects
(setq number (sslength ss))
(repeat number
(setq number (1- number))
(setq path (ssname ss number))
(command "sweep" obj "" path)
A simple example is shown >>here<<.
The LISP is a very rough draft. Not yet included in the LISP:
- You should set DELOBJ to 0
- You must run the overkill command manually before starting the LISP.
- If necessary you can explode the resulting Polylines to Lines.
- error handling
- ...
At the end you can union all resulting sweep solids.
Only a first rough idea ...
Jürgen Palme
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