DXF 210 only controls entities which are represented in OCS (such as a block and mostly entities which are planar in nature). Lines are always represented in WCS irrespective of the UCS in which it was created. Once it's created 210 has no control and cannot have any impact on the line's orientation even though you can keep changing this dxf code. The only impact it has is on the extrusion direction.
For example, create a line in world UCS and type below
(setq etdata (entget (entlast)))
(entmod (subst '(210 0.0 1.0 0.0) (assoc 210 etdata) etdata))
Now select the line and in properties change the thickness of the line to something other than 0, say 100. You will see that the thickness did not extrude in the z direction but in the Y direction. That's all what the direction vector (dxf 210) does for lines.
>>So i think any object can have numerous extrusion vectors, it's not unique, and it depends on the UCS with which it was drawn, no?<<
No. As I said above, entities which store information in OCS can have only one dxf code; the vector normal to the plane in which they lie. For example a block stores its co-ordinates in OCS. The instance you modify the 210 code for a block it's orientation/ plane will change. Create a block and try the above code; or try it with any other planar entity, like arc or circle. You will see that the orientation changes and the object relocates (since the co-ordinates are in OCS)