It is not clear what you are after, but maybe line command with the Midpoint osnap? Or break command with Midpoint osnap?
Piping and Mech. Designer
Always save a copy of the drawing before trying anything suggested here.
If something I wrote can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, I meant the other one.
Welcome to the Autodesk / AutoCAD Forums !
1) More Infos will be appreciated !
2) Do you want to cut (at intersection) ALL self-intersecting lines ?
Regards, Patrice
Patrice BRAUD
Hi and Welcome to AutoDesk Forum,
you can divide line equally by using DIVIDE command But you have first to select a proper point style from DDPTYPE command because what you will select will used in divide command.then you can draw lines from these points by using osnap (nod of).
Good Luck...
Imad Habash
@Anonymous wrote:
how i can devide line with intersection lines
Another interpretation of what you might mean is something that DivideMeasurePlus.lsp and its DIV+ command will do very easily -- you can get it here. Choose the Lines option [one of the many improvements over the regular Divide command], tell it how long to make them, and it will put perpendicular marking Lines equally spaced along any selected object with length. It will also put them at the ends if you choose, in addition to at the dividing points [another thing Divide won't do].
If you don't want the marking Lines centered on the path of the object to be divided, you can get something like @imadHabash's image [without the Point entities] by drawing one such Line [anywhere -- not even necessarily touching the object to be divided], then using the User-Selection option in DIV+. You can even have it put them at any angle relative to the object to be divided, not just perpendicular to it.
Draw a line at the endpoint of your horizontal line, use the array command, then adjust the associative array for the end of the line using the grips available.
Piping and Mech. Designer
Always save a copy of the drawing before trying anything suggested here.
If something I wrote can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, I meant the other one.
Yes you're right BUT by array command you have to make some calculations before to put exactly distance between columns to get equal divided distances or put Total length.divide command will do it without any calculations.
What i want to say is that users(even myself) like to let machines do the rest of job.
Imad Habash
With associative array the computer will do all the work. Like is said, use array and get the number of lines you want and don't worry about spacing. Finish the command. Click on the array, hover over the grip to the right, pick total column spacing, pick the end of the line and you will have it.
Piping and Mech. Designer
Always save a copy of the drawing before trying anything suggested here.
If something I wrote can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, I meant the other one.