Hi Pete,
"I am now having issues"
"Now I cannot"
are not useful.
I will help you to describe the problem.
Open a new file based on acad.dwt or acadiso.dwt,
draw a rectang,
select the rectang and press [CTRL]+[C].
Open your textscreen [F2] and check the last lines.
{share a screenshot or copy the log, so we can see what you see}
Open another new file, based on acad.dwt or acadiso.dwt,
press [CTRL]+[V]
Click on screen
Check your Textscreen again and share it.
Try to follow this workflow and tell us where the problem is,
which messages appears,
what step doesn't work?
What AutoCAD version and update? See About dialog box. This update fix some copy issue in 2022. https://help.autodesk.com/view/ACD/2022/ENU/?guid=AUTOCAD_2022_1_1_FIXED_ISSUES