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>> how to plot an selected area w/ color and the rest still remain monochrome?
Create 2 viewports, one with the original layer colors, the other viewport use the layer-manager to overwrite/VPColor and set they to grey.
- alfred -
What I do is to use colors 1 through 6 for black linework at different lineweights, but all assigned to plot black in the pen assignments. If I want something in color, all the other colors are available for that, but anything in those first 6 colors plus the various grays [8, 9, 250's series] plots monochromatically.
just a sample for how that works with 2 viewports, done in a minute or maybe 2 😉
- alfred -
Following up on your thread, were you able to find a solution?
Post back with any new updates I'd be happy to try and help.