AutoCAD fatal error unhandled access violation reading


AutoCAD fatal error unhandled access violation reading

Not applicable

I am getting an error


AutoCAD fatal error unhandled access violation reading 0x0a5e exception at d9769b5ch. I tried to find what this error means but have not had any luck. can someone please tell me what this means, and how I can resolve it.

3 Replies
Replies (3)

Community Legend
Community Legend
What triggered the crash? What were you doing at the time?
Can you do it again anytime you want, or is it just random? There is no cure for random... .
Is the problem one file, some files, or all files?
Even if you start a new file?
AutoCAD version? Which SP/update is installed?
Windows version?
PC specs? Video card in use?

If you are going to ask for remote help, you need to share information, we can't see your PC from way over here 🙂

Not applicable

What triggered the crash? I had a file open and trying to edit text as soon as clicked on edit it turned on or came up. Next time trying to open a file.



What were you doing at the time?

text edit

Can you do it again anytime you want, or is it just random? There is no cure for random... .

So far is some what random but happened three times in a row.

Is the problem one file, some files, or all files?

happened with 2 different files
Even if you start a new file?

Yes started a new file.

AutoCAD version? Which SP/update is installed?

AutoCAD 2015 SP1


Windows version?


Windows 7 enterprise.


PC specs? Video card in use?


Lenovo w540.


8GB ram.

 64 bit operating system.

NVIDIA Quadro K2100M


Community Legend
Community Legend
Turn off LINESMOOTHING in R2015.
Turn off Win7's Aero Theme (use Windows Basic Theme).
Fix the file(s): open them with RECOVER command (remember to QSAVE afterwards).

If the above two don't prevent the text edit crash, then explore changing hardware acceleration in R2015.