AutoCAD 2019 screen resolution requirement and other specification thingy.


AutoCAD 2019 screen resolution requirement and other specification thingy.

Not applicable
I'm sorry if this question sounds silly and has been asked multiple times. Can I run AutoCAD 2019 on my Windows Laptop with 1366*768 resolution? According to , the minimum requirement for Windows is 1920*1080, but the weird thing is the minimum requirement for Mac is only 1280*800!? Also, is Intel Core i5-10210U (1,6 Ghz up to 4,2 Ghz Turbo Boost) with 8 GB of DDR4 RAM and Nvidia MX 250 (2 GB VRAM GDDR5) enough to run AutoCAD 2019 without any annoying lag? I searched on Google and asked some friends but got mixed result. Some say it's overkill some say it won't even open the program. By the way, I'm a civ eng student, so the project I will work on won't be too heavy.
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>> the minimum requirement for Windows is 1920*1080, but the

>> weird thing is the minimum requirement for Mac is only 1280*800!?

What is weird with that? It's the MINIMUM resolution, you can run at higher resolutions if you like.


>> enough to run AutoCAD 2019 without any annoying lag?

Again, it's the MINIMUM requirement, that does not tell you that you can load and work with the biggest projects on a minimum setting of hardware.


>> Some say it's overkill some say it won't even open the program

Well, if you have a workstation matching the minimum requirements then

  • you can start the program
  • you can not work with the biggest projects like someone with a high end workstation


>> By the way, I'm a civ eng student,

So I guess you are more interested in Autodesk Civil 3D than in plain AutoCAD.


>> By the way, I'm a civ eng student,

>> so the project I will work on won't be too heavy.

Excuse me, from my experience Civil Engineering projects are (in most cases) the biggest datasets, not the smallest one. They handle sometimes millions of points in point-clouds/laserscans, converting them to surfaces with multiple 100000 points/triangles and that's just the base when they start to do their project.


- alfred -

ISH-Solutions GmbH / Ingenieur Studio HOLLAUS ... ... LinkedIn ... CDay 2025

(not an Autodesk consultant)