So what’s so fundamentally important that Autodesk has dropped the ball and are driving ACADE into a tail spin of the slow painful death of an application
Dynamic blocks they don’t work correctly
Imagine a symbol that’s a dynamic block by changing the blocks settings you
- Auto rotate the symbol
- Move the attributes around
- Change the standard of the symbol IEC/NFPA/ghost etc etc
- The options are endless
You could have a symbol for a VFD with options for additional functionality like resolver /brake/encoders/extra i/o /filters etc etc all in one symbol
You could have a symbol that has the electrical symbol/footprint/pneumatics/hydraulics all in one symbol
You could have an emergency stop push button
- 2 X NC contacts
- 2 X NC contacts + 1 NO contact
- 2 X NC contacts with illuminated button
- 2 X NC contacts + 1 NO contact with illuminated button
I’m sure you can think of more instances where dynamic blocks would give you better functionality and reduce the pain that is ACADE
So why don’t Autodesk just fix the problem and make all our lives better