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Template Properties.


Template Properties.

Not applicable

Hello Everyone,


I am struggling with a simple issue. I have created a template with all the settings as per my wish and saved it as a .dwt file. I want to use all my template set properties for every project.So, when I am creating a new project, there is an option of copy settings from project file.Here, I changed the extension from .wdp to .dwt and referenced my created template so that my project acquires all my template properties.But, when I checked my project properties , settings are different.Am I making mistake in referencing template properties to my project ? or is there any other proper way?

Secondly, I added new drawings for my newly created project referencing again my drawing template, my new drawing properties are same as template properties but I get prompted whether I want to apply Project Defaults to this drawing and If I go with yes, then the drawing properties are no longer same as template properties.How can I have my project settings and drawings settings to be same as template settings.?? Any help would be appreciated.

4 Replies
Replies (4)


Hi there,


I think what you need to do is to start your project normally using the wdp file at the creation then set path for the new drawings templete to your dwt templete file for the dwg creation of each new sheet.  Properties of the project are one thing and specification for the drawing, like dim style, snap, grid ect are set in the dwt not the wdp.


Please comment if this helps and kudos are always welcome.


Good luck

Please mark as a solution if this works for you, kudos are always welcome


It occurred to me that I forgot to say the the 'project' settings and 'drawing' setting are two different things in case you did not know.  If you open the project manager and right click on a project you can look through the properties, do the same thing with a drawing and you will see slightly different options for setting properties.  The thing to remember is that 'drawing' properties will override 'project' properties. This is done to allow individual drawings to have variant setting if need be.   Just something to be aware of if things seem to be changing up on your project.


Please mark this if it was helpful and kudos are always welcome.


Good luck

Please mark as a solution if this works for you, kudos are always welcome

I think you did indeed make a mistake when you tried to use a dwt instead of a wdp to reference the settings you want.

The workflow for this is to set up a project with all of the PROJECT properties defined in it and set the way you need. Call it 'Template Project' or something similar. All of the changes you make to project settings will be written to the wdp for that project, so play and experiment and get it just right.

Next, set up a dwt with all of the DRAWING properties you need. Whenever you have a property that coexists in both PROJECT properties and in DRAWING properties, make sure they are the same. You can do this manually during all the setup, or after the fact using Compare Settings.

Then, when starting new projects, use the wdp you made. When making new drawings for that project, use the dwt.

Hope this helps,


Jim Seefeldt
Electrical Engineering Technician


This is directly from the AutoCAD Electrical Advanced Courseware that I created.

(had to spell check it though!

  Template Setup


In AutoCAD Electrical its important to to setup a Standard Template that you can use instead of continuously setting up a project and the title blocks. There are 2 pieces for the AutoCAD Electrical Templates, the first part is the Project, the second part is a Template Drawing. You need to configure the Drawing to work with the project, to have the best results.


What is required to make a useful Template? Lets look at this for Projects and Drawings.


Project Template  

Note: Its best to Start a new project  (Name it Template) and copy the settings from WDDEMO.wdp

  • Project Settings
  • Project paths
  • Component Tag setup
  • Wire Tag setup
  • Cross Reference setup
  • Set the Reference style (Rung Ref, Xzone, x-y zone)
  • Titleblock Mapping File (WDT) or Title block Attribute File on the Drawing
  • Project Description Label File (WDL)
  • Any other Secondary Files (WDD, WDR, LOC, INST, etc.)


Drawing Template

Note: Its best to Start a new drawing from the template “ACAD.dwt” that way you don't have anything extra on the drawing, then name it something like; Company_Template.dwt or title block.dwt.

  • Drawing Settings
  • Drawing Tray options (Ortho, Polar, Infer constraints, Grid, Grid spacing, etc)
  • Drawing units (Insertion Units)
  • Layer / Wire layer Setup
  • Title block (make sure you have all of the attributes you want to map)
  • Extra Geometry (like ladders or Pre - drawn Circuits)



  1. Create The Project (Don't setup anything yet, just need a place to drop our Drawing into)
  2. Create the Drawing, and Apply and Drawing Settings that are required.
  3. Create the Titleblock on the drawing
  4. Map attributes of the Titleblock in the Template Project ( the Drawing Must be part of the Template Project)
  5. Test the Title block Mapping (Fill-in Descriptions, then run the Title block update)
  6. If its ok then add the Layers and wire layer to the drawing.
  7. Now Setup any project settings that you need including paths.
  8. Next add any ladders of Circuits that you want to have in the Drawing.
  9. Purge out any old title blocks or blocks that you created during this process.
  10. Save the Drawing as a Template.
  11. Test the Template in the project to make sure the Mapping and the settings work properly.
  12. Add any customization files that would benefit your work flow.
  13. Remove Excess Drawing Files.
  14. Save the Template Project.


I hope this helps,



James Alger
(I'm on several hundred posts as "algerj")

Dell Precision 5530 (Xeon E 2176M)
1tb SSD, 64GB RAM
Nvidia Quadro P2000, Win10