I don't know the specific answer to your plotting problem but AcadE does
support an option to execute a user-defined command or AutoLisp expression
whenever a drawing is opened using the AcadE project dialog drawing pick
list or the "next/previous" arrow toolbar buttons:
1. Exit AcadE
2. Using any ASCII text editor open up file "c:\documents and
3. Find this line:
*WD_OPEN_DWG,(command "_.ZOOM" "_E"),AutoLISP prog or expression to
autoexecute when dwg opened from PROJ dlg
4. Change it to read something like this (make sure you remove the leading
"*" comment character)
WD_OPEN_DWG,(command "_.CONVERTPSTYLES" "somefilename")
5. Save the file, restart AcadE.
Now, every time you pop open a drawing using the AcadE project dialog pick
list or arrow keys, this AutoLisp expression (ie. AutoCAD command) will
execute as soon as the drawing comes up on screen.
"fdna49" wrote in message
> Thanks Nate,
> I am still having problems with plotting though since installing acade
> All my files want to plot as STB the monochrome.CTB that my existing page
setup used to call doesn't even exist in the list (actually there are NO
CTB's) Our reseller has told me that I must open each drawing and type
"convertpstyles" at the command line.
> While this works, there must be some way to automatically do this when the
drawing opens.
> Anybody have any ideas?