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Selection cycling not cycling visually


Selection cycling not cycling visually

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So I have my AutoCAD (using Architecture 2016) set up with the old-school selection cycling, where you hold CTRL and pick overlapping objects to start selection cycling. It's supposed to work by showing the selected object as dashed, and then with each left click, the next available object will appear dashed, etc.


For some reason, it only shows one object dashed, and that one stays dashed. It does not visually cycle through the objects. But it does invisibly cycle through the objects. So if I go to erase something, and hold down CTRL and pick 2 overlapping objects, one will appear dashed, then I can left click once to select the other object, and then right click to make that one erase...but that object never appears dashed. It's basically a guessing game if I have more than 2 overlapping objects. 


Anyone know how to fix this? I just want it to work the way I've always known it to work. I just want each left click to highlight a different object.

21 Replies
Replies (21)

Community Legend
Community Legend
Turn off hardware acceleration in your ACA2016 software and see if your problem goes away.

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Yeah it worked, but everything else runs like crap. 

Community Legend
Community Legend

Try updating your video card's drivers in Windows' Device Manager and see if that will help when you change back hardware accelerating settings



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Nah, that didn't help. Still getting the same cycling issues with Hardware Accel on and lagging issues with it off.

Community Legend
Community Legend
What is your Windows version?
What is your video card?
Any chance you can post a screenshot of your fully expanded GRAPHICSCONFIG pop-up?

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Windows 10  

Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 and NVIDIA Quadro P600  

Screenshot attached



Community Legend
Community Legend

So as far as AutoCAD is concerned, your more expensive and capable Nvidia card does not exist and it is working with your barely capable system video instead.




You need to change that


Not applicable

Thanks. But that link you posted is broken.


Not applicable

I just figured I'd do a Google search and it brought up a link that looks like yours. It had me install a Hotfix 4. But my ACAD Graphics Performance is still showing the Intel graphics card being used.

Community Legend
Community Legend
There is no hotfix for it: here is another attempt at posting the link for your review

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The first solution says:  

"To avoid this behaviour in AutoCAD 2016, apply Hotfix 4"


That's what I downloaded, and nothing changed.


As far as the other solutions go, I honestly have no idea how to do any of that. The only one I know how to do is disabling the Intel graphics card. I guess I just gotta hope it won't mess anything else up.

Not applicable
Ok, so disabling it just made things way worse. I restated my computer and now it won't turn on. It's just stuck on the black screen with the Dell logo.

Not applicable

Alright, after a call into Dell, I got the computer to start working again. 


But anyway, even with the Intel video card disabled, the GRAPHICSCONFIG still recognizes it as the video card being used. And I really don't feel comfortable, with my limited computer knowledge, going into the system and making changes on a work computer. I don't think my boss was too happy to lose 2 hours of my time trying to get my computer restarted, so if I mess anything else up after this I may be out of a job. 

Community Legend
Community Legend
You can always go back into the bios and re-enable it, if that is what you did to disable it in the first place. same exact process to get to the Bios.

Make sure your phone and any other device is not plugged into any USB port first.

Community Legend
Community Legend
Call Dell and have them walk you through how to get your better video card working with AutoCAD: if the first technician has no idea ask to be escalated. Dell sells AutoCAD users PCs and Laptops every single day for the last 20+ years.


Hi @Anonymous,


In addition to @pendean's recommendations, you may want to specifically try the fix listed in the following article:


Howver, depending on the way your video cards are setup on the machine (whether they can work independently, or if the NVIDIA is slaved to the Intel card), you may or may not be able to force AutoCAD to work with the high-performance NVIDIA card.


If this is the case, I'd also recommend contacting Dell again to ask them for a recommendation to force AutoCAD (or any program for that matter) to use the high-end card instead of the Intel card. They should be able to help you configure your specific machine to do this.


If one or more of these posts helped answer your question, please click Accept Solution on the posts that helped you so others in the community can find them easily.


Victoria Studley
Principal Experience Designer - Fusion Configurations
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Hi @Anonymous,


I'm just checking in again to see if you need more help with this. Did the suggestion I provided yesterday work for you?

If so, please click Accept Solution on the posts that helped you so others in the community can find them easily.


Victoria Studley
Principal Experience Designer - Fusion Configurations
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Fusion Learn & Support | Fusion Documentation

Not applicable

No, I already looked at that and tried. There is no "manage 3D settings" task on the left side of my NVIDIA control panel. There is a small link that says "manage 3D settings", but when I click on it, it does nothing.


Hi @Anonymous,


Since you cannot access the settings to make the required adjustments, it sounds like you may need to contact Dell directly to configure your computer to use the NVIDIA card for AutoCAD.


If one or more of these posts helped answer your question, please click Accept Solution on the posts that helped you so others in the community can find them easily.


Victoria Studley
Principal Experience Designer - Fusion Configurations
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