Using "arnoldRenderToTexture" in a batch session under Linux (Mtoa
If I pass in 512 to arnoldRenderToTexture my render comes out at 360x280.
Looking in the render log I see this:
rendering image at 512 x 512 (360 x 280 region), 3 AA samples
Any ideas what might be going on?
It's a simple pCube1 + env light scene.
Thank you
Is 360 x 280 the Image Size in the Render Settings?
I don't repro when I run the command interactively (and I don't see that "rendering image" log)
Tested under Linux? For Windows it works fine here.
The log is from terminal - not the script editor
A wise colleague showed me the following workaround:
arnold_globals = pymel.core.PyNode("defaultArnoldRenderOptions")
arnold_globals.aiUserOptions.set("texture_per_file_stats false region_min_x 0 region_max_x 511 region_min_y 0 region_max_y 511")
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