I have this simple file with 2 character and a simple environment, I'm using render setup and arnold.
I have 4 layer, 2 for character 1 for env and 1 common data layer with all env and ch, I'm using arnold's noice denoiser and for that I had to add 2nd output driver to my light group aov (named as RGBA_lgt_id0, RGBA_lgt_id1 ...) for variance.
My env and the both ch layer is rendering perfectly but the data in data layer arnold is not able to create the exr output even i am not rendering the light group aov or the denoise aovs for this data layer.
Any idea how to solve this? Here's the error
"ERROR | [driver_exr] defaultArnoldDriver/driver_exr.RGBA: duplicate layer "beauty_1" of type RGBA in file ../SHOT008/RENDERING/DAT_INT/v01/DAT_INT_0002.exr"