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Is Memory Consumed Related to Rays?

Message 1 of 2
241 Views, 1 Reply

Is Memory Consumed Related to Rays?

I was rendering a scene which is not quite large in 2k size, and it always shutdown because of out-of-memory issue(my computer has 128GB MEM).

I checked a frame which rendered and completed in 1k, the render log shows it took 90GB and half was noted 'unaccounted'. And I checked ray counts, it seems 50 times of my regular render's ray counts.

So I wander if the large amount of rays cause the heavy usage of memory? And I also want to find out how to reduce the rays(memory usage)..

Thank you.... waiting to your answering

00:26:15 81901MB         | scene creation time:
00:26:15 81901MB         |  plugin loading               0:02.06
00:26:15 81901MB         |  unaccounted                  0:03.24
00:26:15 81901MB         |  total                        0:05.31  ( 1.02% machine utilization)
00:26:15 81901MB         | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:26:15 81901MB         | frame:
00:26:15 81901MB         |  node init                    0:04.73
00:26:15 81901MB         |   sanity checks               0:00.01
00:26:15 81901MB         |  driver init/close            0:08.35
00:26:15 81901MB         |  rendering                   25:52.71
00:26:15 81901MB         |   subdivision                 2:12.44
00:26:15 81901MB         |    threads blocked            2:10.07
00:26:15 81901MB         |   mesh processing             0:00.33
00:26:15 81901MB         |   displacement                0:16.28
00:26:15 81901MB         |    threads blocked            0:04.30
00:26:15 81901MB         |   accel. building             0:11.97
00:26:15 81901MB         |   importance maps             0:00.05
00:26:15 81901MB         |   output driver               0:00.05
00:26:15 81901MB         |   pixel rendering            23:11.57
00:26:15 81901MB         |  unaccounted                  0:04.75
00:26:15 81901MB         |  total                       26:10.56  (80.99% machine utilization)
00:26:15 81901MB         | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:26:15 81901MB         | top session self-times by category:
00:26:15 81901MB         |  BVH::intersect                                                      10:22.73 (39.9%)
00:26:15 81901MB         |   root                                                                5:15.97 (20.2%)
00:26:16 81902MB         | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:26:16 81902MB         | memory consumed in MB:
00:26:16 81902MB         |  at startup             11523.86
00:26:16 81902MB         |  plugins                   26.11
00:26:16 81902MB         |  AOV samples            12265.69
00:26:16 81902MB         |  output buffers          2204.90
00:26:16 81902MB         |  node overhead              4.73
00:26:16 81902MB         |  message passing            0.11
00:26:16 81902MB         |  memory pools              46.05
00:26:16 81902MB         |  geometry                5990.02
00:26:16 81902MB         |    polymesh               255.35
00:26:16 81902MB         |    subdivs               5647.58
00:26:16 81902MB         |    curves                  87.09
00:26:16 81902MB         |  accel. structs          5795.57
00:26:16 81902MB         |  skydome importance map     7.63
00:26:16 81902MB         |  quad importance map       32.01
00:26:16 81902MB         |  strings                   18.98
00:26:16 81902MB         |  texture cache           3168.58
00:26:16 81902MB         |  profiler                  34.05
00:26:16 81902MB         |  unaccounted            52695.02
00:26:16 81902MB         |  total peak             93779.25
00:26:16 81902MB         | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:26:16 81902MB         | ray counts:                      ( /pixel, /sample) (% total) (avg. hits) (max hits)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  camera                 11336000 (  25.80,    1.00) (  0.12%) (     1.97) (       3)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  shadow               6429203732 (14635.24,  567.15) ( 68.75%) (     0.87) (      11)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  volume_shadow        1651026143 (3758.35,  145.64) ( 17.66%) (     1.13) (      11)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  diffuse_reflect       150018307 ( 341.50,   13.23) (  1.60%) (     1.21) (      11)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  diffuse_transmit       68169732 ( 155.18,    6.01) (  0.73%) (     0.70) (      11)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  specular_reflect      180827021 ( 411.63,   15.95) (  1.93%) (     0.36) (      11)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  specular_transmit     146487578 ( 333.46,   12.92) (  1.57%) (     0.87) (      11)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  bssrdf                713986319 (1625.30,   62.98) (  7.64%) (     0.22) (       9)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  total                9351054832 (21286.46,  824.90) (100.00%) (     0.86) (      11)
00:26:16 81902MB         | by ray depth:              0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10+
00:26:16 81902MB         |  total                   16.8% 54.4% 22.6%  5.6%  0.6%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0% 
00:26:16 81902MB         | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:26:16 81902MB         | ray marching samples:            ( /ray  ) (% total) (segments)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  shadow                734473776 (   1.00) ( 43.87%) (    1.00)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  volume_shadow         715086218 (   1.00) ( 42.71%) (    1.00)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  diffuse_reflect        94166251 (   1.00) (  5.62%) (    1.00)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  diffuse_transmit       17003300 (   1.00) (  1.02%) (    1.00)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  specular_reflect              5 (   1.00) (  0.00%) (    1.00)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  specular_transmit     113529231 (   1.00) (  6.78%) (    1.00)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  total                1674258781 (   1.00) (100.00%) (    1.00)
00:26:16 81902MB         | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:26:16 81902MB         | shader calls                     (  /pixel,  /sample) (% total)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  primary              4825334328 (10984.24,   425.66) ( 76.72%)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  transparent_shadow   1436656932 ( 3270.36,   126.73) ( 22.84%)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  autobump                2355645 (    5.36,     0.21) (  0.04%)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  background             19803686 (   45.08,     1.75) (  0.31%)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  importance              5194304                      (  0.08%)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  total                6289344895 (14316.87,   554.81) (100.00%)
00:26:16 81902MB         | by ray depth:              0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10+
00:26:16 81902MB         |  total                    1.9% 58.1% 34.8%  4.9%  0.3%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0%  0.0% 
00:26:16 81902MB         | sss lookups            157861749 ( 359.35,   13.93)
00:26:16 81902MB         | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:26:16 81902MB         | displacement:
00:26:16 81902MB         |  meshes                      508
00:26:16 81902MB         |  shader calls            6153606
00:26:16 81902MB         | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:26:16 81902MB         | geometry:                        (% hit ) (instances) (  init mem,  final mem)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  lists                         1 (100.0%) (        0) (      0.00,       0.00)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  procs                         4 (100.0%) (        0) (      0.00,       0.00)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  polymeshes                 4177 ( 81.1%) (        0) (    399.63,     255.35)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  subdivs                     796 ( 34.7%) (        0) (     83.81,    5647.58)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  curves                       26 (100.0%) (        0) (     87.09,      87.09)
00:26:16 81902MB         | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:26:16 81902MB         | geometric elements:              (      min) (       avg.) (      max)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  objects (procs)              25 (        1) (        6.3) (       20)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  polygons                5290143 (        1) (     1266.5) (   435508)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  subdiv patches          2441923 (        1) (     3067.7) (   179101)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  curves                   138257 (        1) (     5317.6) (    45291)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  curve segments          5060785 (       25) (   194645.6) (  1154500)
00:26:16 81902MB         | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:26:16 81902MB         | triangle tessellation:           (      min) (       avg.) (      max) (/ element) (% total)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  polymeshes              8822552 (        1) (     2603.3) (   463425) (     1.72) (  2.25%)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  subdivs               383075460 (        8) (  1387954.6) (366798848) (   310.38)
00:26:16 81902MB         |   iterations 0              2712 (      476) (      904.0) (     1760) (     2.00) (  0.00%)
00:26:16 81902MB         |   iterations 1           6261372 (        8) (    32109.6) (   431376) (     7.92) (  1.60%)
00:26:16 81902MB         |   iterations 2           7851632 (     4096) (   103310.9) (  3296768) (    31.86) (  2.00%)
00:26:16 81902MB         |   iterations 3+        368959744 (  2160896) (184479872.0) (366798848) (  1882.55) ( 94.15%)
00:26:16 81902MB         |  unique triangles      391898012
00:26:16 81902MB         |  memory use (in MB)      5850.48
00:26:16 81902MB         |   vertices               2245.48
00:26:16 81902MB         |   vertex indices         2549.76
00:26:16 81902MB         |   polygon base offsets      0.02
00:26:16 81902MB         |   polygon IDs               0.01
00:26:16 81902MB         |   triangulation             0.01
00:26:16 81902MB         |   packed normals          764.13
00:26:16 81902MB         |   normal indices           29.43
00:26:16 81902MB         |   uv coords                43.41
00:26:16 81902MB         |   uv coords idxs           97.93
00:26:16 81902MB         |   P reference (autobump)   60.96
00:26:16 81902MB         |   N reference (autobump)   35.37
00:26:16 81902MB         |   uniform indices          22.86
00:26:16 81902MB         |   userdata                  0.14

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Message 2 of 2

Hard to say with just part of the log. Can you attach a full log as a txt file?
Looks like an older Arnold version.
Could be some procedural you're using. Could be temporary memory used during subdivision.

// Stephen Blair
// Arnold Renderer Support

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