I'm using HtoA in Houdini Indie 20.0.590 and am attempting to render out a sequence of a very simple test scene (rotating torus with one rectangle light). I'm trying to use the "render all frames as single process" option in the USD Render ROP to reduce the overhead associated with rendering in Solaris when the option "render all frames as single process" is not enabled.
All animations are done at the SOP level and the scene is set up in Solaris using a single 'render var' and 'render product' for a beauty pass. The render settings are established in a 'render settings' node and everything is fed into a 'usd render rop'.
The exact same set up functions as expected when rendering with Karma CPU. Specified frames render with the expected reduction in overhead due to all frames being rendered as a single process.
Any advice or insights regarding this would be greatly appreciated!
- Brian