Hello Petros,
I took a look at how you might get better results from noice in your particular scene setup, and think I may have found a way to do so.
Noice relies on a set of auxiliary AOVs like "Z", "N" and "denoise_albedo". The "denoise_albedo" is a Light Path Expression (LPE) that is currently being defined as: "((C<TD>A)|(CVA)|(C<RD>A))"
What this means is that it separates into an output layer the albedo components of sss (via "C<TD>A"), volumes (via "CVA"), and diffuse surfaces (via "C<RD>A"). I created a mock-up scene with a few simple shapes and a reflected area light to try to approximate your scene and found that this "denoise_albedo" AOV was missing all information about the surfaces behind a glass-like pane.
Here's what the raw RGB output of a few textured spheres behind a glass plane reflecting a thin quad light looks like:

And here's the corresponding "denoise_albedo":

As you can see, there is no albedo information behind the pane at all, which makes it hard for the denoiser to do its job in these areas. If we denoise the output as-is, this is the result:

The same types of blurriness that you're seeing in your textures happens here as well, as most of the detail except in the thickest rings disappears.
Fortunately, you should be able to redefine the output of this LPE to include this same type of data for surfaces that are behind the glass and for reflected lights by adding the following user option (user options for MAXtoA are explained here😞
light_path_expressions 1 1 STRING "denoise_albedo ((C<TD>A)|(CVA)|(C<RD>A)|(C<TS>+<TD>A)|(C<TS>+VA)|(C<TS>+<RD>A)|(CS+[LO]))"
This new light path expression adds the albedo of diffuse surfaces and volumes behind the glass, as well as lights and emissive objects after any number of refractions/reflections, and with these changes the denoised output looks like this, preserving the detail of the reflected quad light and the ringed textures on the spheres:

Hope that this helps!