Thank you for your answers.
The effect I am trying to achieve is a pseudo-foam shading effect. One material for the non-turbulent, laminar flow, and another material for the turbulent, bubbly "foam". I should be able to pipe the laminar material into one layer, the turbulent material into another layer, and mask them with fluid surface channel data such as Vorticity. I can do this easily in Maya.
I don't know how to use Operators yet. If that is the only way to make this work, then I'd categorize that as a bug.
I do not believe that OSL map nodes can blend materials, but I can try that.
I don't see why a Multi/Sub-Object Material would be relevant to assigning a Layer Shader to the fluid. There are no foam particles in my simulation.
I do not understand what Mads's screen capture is showing me. My Slate graph looks very similar to the screen capture, I guess there's something about Operators not being shown in this screen capture? I am pretty sure I did follow the chronological order of assignments... assign the Layer Shader material first, then connect the child materials to the Layer Shader inputs. It did not work for me. But I can try again.