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cryptomatte behavior EXR/deepEXR with ARW and production render

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cryptomatte behavior EXR/deepEXR with ARW and production render

Hi to all. Since the object and the shader aovs are no more working, I switched to cryptomatte for compositing my render in Photoshop. I noticed a different behavior from the the past.

Note: the settings of photoshop + exrI/O importer and 3dsmax are the same among all three cases

CASE 1- If I save the EXR file from the arnold render view, the saved file will be "right": it will contain the beauty, all the other enabled aovs and the cryptomatte "enabled" layers. Like past times I used it in previous versions, like it looks like in the Arnold online help page.

Good, but not good for the production/batch pipeline purposes .


CASE 2 - If I save the EXR file, rendering the same scene of the case 1, using the production render and the AOVS tab, I get hundreds of layers (various settings in the exr i/o photoshop importer does not affect the result, also enabling the raw cryptomatte data). It becomes quickly heavy/unusable in scenes with many assets/objects/materials.


The content of the three red-highlighted layers is an outline of the rendered objects, and not the solid-filled colors:1645443989450.png

CASE 3 - If I simply switch the deepEXR file, rendering the same scene of the case 2, I get the result of the case 1 .........but............
1) 3ds max crashes 100% of times the rende ends (exit+report error to autodesk)

2) the exr is saved, but if I open them I get always this message


clicking ok the file opens...


The crypto are ok, and there are always these two more layers.

The case 3 seems to be good but in fact it is unusable: 3ds max always badly crashes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Here I'm using last version of 3dsmax and Arnold.

Am I doing something wrong?

Now I'm working around saving separate png files for the cryptomatte layers, but it is not a good deal, because I have many scripted tasks that uses the "CASE 1"... which I think it is the right one.


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Message 2 of 2
in reply to: Luca_F

Interesting. Case 2 is what you see in Nuke. Although everything is assembled together. Usually my experience in Photoshop has been getting thousands of layers as well.

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