Hi all.
Sometimes, when I get a wire model from other modeler, I like to see the original natural edges of a trimmed surface. I know that I can show the Cvs for imagine the original surface before trimmed, but in this way, I dont see the edges. I know I can untrim the surface, but this operation involve to rebuild the trimmed surface to the original estate, and then, if you want to come back to the trimmed surface, you must retrim. So, I am talking about something like a "untrim preview tool".
I remember I found a tool (a workaround) that works for this question, and I was able to see the natural edges without untrim the trimmed surface, but I have forgotten the way I used. (I remember I pick the surface and the natural edges were showed)
So, I know that it is possible, but I dont remember how to do it.
Could somebody help me
Thank you in advance